LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I’m sure the whole goal is to troll, to encourage hate at the LGBT+ players, and to bait people into getting mad and getting banned.

And stuff like what Alice is saying is my concern. These threads bait so much transphobic hate, and not everyone is as resilient and unwilling to put up with nonsense as I am. I fear for any lurking LGBT+ folks who might be adversely affected by this nonsense and the unmoderated hate.

If you need to talk add me on discord Zandrae#1418 .


Fatshaming doesn’t get actioned here and it’s ridiculous. The amount of people who make comments about the weight of Kul Tirans makes me so mad.


Oh no I’m so sorry /hug

Don’t do that! /hug

I understand where you’re coming from. I’m not trans but I’ve uh… well… I’ve went through some other stuff. I’ll put it that way. Remember, you can be who you wanna be and anyone that tells you otherwise can go somewhere. You don’t need em. Lot of people are :poop: and regardless of where a person is, someone… somewhere… will be a :poop:. Surround yourself with positive people.

If you need someone to talk to, Dragula#9351 is my discord. /hug


Yea, I’m done engaging, and putting on ignore.

Anyone who tries to play devils advocate and ask why people who commit SA, Attacks on Kids, Animals, etc. shouldn’t have the same rights as gay people isn’t worth the time.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe that - it’s not something you should even play devils advocate for, period.


Its usually less them believing in that stuff, and more hating the people they’re arguing against to be fair


Like I said - doesn’t matter if they believe it or not, you shouldn’t devils advocate that stuff either.


Like, it’s really funny when we get these “patriot” type people that try to act all intellectual but they don’t understand the whole, “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” thing.

Like y’all trying to sit here and act like an intellectual when you didn’t pay attention to high school or college civics?

Like, that’s pretty much in the preamble of the declaration of independence (I wrote unalienable instead of inalienable, but still).

Jefferson is believed to have taken inspiration from John Locke, who believed in life, liberty, and property.

Locke argued that individuals have the right to live their own lives, and that they should be free to make choices about how to conduct their own lives as long as they do not interfere with the liberty of others. Property was more than just land and material objects but one’s own body and a right to personal well-being as well. I’d say the pursuit of happiness is the freedom to work towards thriving, success, and upper mobility.

And these rights are bestowed upon man kind by whoever and whatever the creator is.

That was basically the stuff that inspired the framers. While the framers were flawed with some bad things and nonsense, the idea is pretty spot on.

Oh. Funny thing happened to me the other day.

I had an envelope on my desk, tucked away, ignored, and forgotten. I looked inside the other day—It was my certificate of ordination. I’m an ordained priest of the church of the flying spaghetti monster or something. It’s very good.


Oh yea, its a horrible argument

But in their mind, its the same thing, its all horrible


It’s all just so super cringe. Especially the defending of a diddler.

I’m just like…


Except for the fact the Declaration of Independence has no basis within the US legal system. Not sure why people bring up parts of it as a list of rights when the only “rights” granted are within the Constitution, which doesn’t include life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness lol.

Let alone the idea that these things are human rights when they aren’t even universal across the globe.

I see you missed the part of the Declaration of Independence where it says the government is being made to uphold those 3 inalienable rights.


There was no government when it was written so…wut?

Oh no that dude is going full on crazy mode and making all kinds of weirdo threads now.

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I think the worst part of it is that they can’t come up with new material.


I feel like I missed a lot but from what I saw yikes


…because it was written to help establish the government. It literally, like, quite literally, says those 3 inalienable rights should be what the government is established to defend.

Did you just skip history class?

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Also, Re: Trolls.

E-mail the Forum Feedback. Let them know that the bad faith trolling is happening and it’s not being dealt with. I wrote a rather lengthy post with thread links, etc.

But honestly, at this point, it’s getting so common (9 threads today and counting) that something needs to be done.


Please don’t :slightly_frowning_face:

Uh, no it wasn’t lol.


So, yes? Got it.