LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Etc. Etc. Etc … is that an echo? Bye bye night night kiddies. Remember go left.

I saw a pretty good thread about soy-based resin vs. plastic-based resin on a 3d printing forum I’m on, want a link so you can brush up on BigButtMurphy420’s talking points?


People lives who are fine don’t care how other people live by the way.

Yes, I would like a link. I love random talking points

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Well now that useless poster number 500 is out of the way, how is everyone’s day looking?

I might be going to the zoo with my son.


Pictures. Pictures of zoo.

Also, the nonsense poster is just another example of why Blizzard needs to raise the minimum post level to the level cap of the previous expansion.


I took another step foward in my transtion recently. Also because things are progressing so umm well I am starting to set aside money for a name change. I asked someone to help me keep on schedule and stuff when the time comes as my parents are not going to help (They never do with my transtion and treat me as who I was even though I am starting to look more and more like my feminine self)

I am not that happy about having to make a court date though but still to legaly be called Alice and not have strange looks when I go to the doctors when I use my old legal name I will do it.


What county are you in that it requires a court date?

Here in California, you use a website that fills in most of the stuff on the form. You take it to the courthouse and get the proper address there, have a clerk stamp it, put it in a dropbox, and wait because we don’t have newspaper publishing here for gender affirming name changes.

I live in Michigan. From what the person at the commuinity center said I need to get my name in the paper, my finger prints taken and someting done at the court house.

The fingerprint thing is somewhat unusual.

The name change court stuff is that you have to file a petition with the court. The court should be able to tell you about the newspaper requirement and you can choose a paper in the middle of nowhere that no one reads.

As a side note, we got AotC but our guy who records forgot to. RIP.


Go take your grievances out on Blizzard then?

We can’t solve your issues.

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A lot of states don’t streamline the process - and it can be extremely expensive in some states. I have a friend who had to pay like $500, and then spent a good 2 weeks having to submit name change forms to multipel government agencies cause it wasn’t automated. It’s silly.

Also, am I the only one annoyed at a certain member of this community who is making more and more LGBT troll threads each day on multiple toons? :confused: I won’t say the name as that’s a call out, but it’s getting so aggravating, at this point I wish Blizz would take action.


You are not the only one. It’s very frustrating.


I’m very mildly annoyed. But I have a plan.


I’m honestly tempted to open a forum ticket and report them, so the mods can do a deep dive on their account. But I’m also lazy, so…

It might be more than one person trolling.

The thing that strikes me about it is multiple issues.

The bad faith threads is one element.

Then there’s the overt transphobia and homophobia that gets spewed in response. Sometimes it gets flagged. Sometimes it doesn’t. Often times the threads 404 and the flagged posts are never dealt with. I know this because people have flagged my totally within the CoC responses and upon deletion of the thread those post have never been unflagged. This means that the especially egregious posts never get actioned and the same hate is posted over and over again thread after thread without consequence.

Then there’s the subtle speech and dog whistles. Comments using words like, “lifestyle choice,” and people doing things like using, “LGB” instead of LGBT+. That combined with limited flags means those posts will never get looked at and even if they do there is little chance that the mods will even see what’s wrong and we can’t enter a hand written reason for the flag.

I have been tempted to write a ticket but that would require finding all the troll threads that haven’t been removed.

One thing I think I’m going to do is save the threads on the archive sites.


The bad faith topic starters are in my opinion feeling immune. If blizzard actions the account then it suddenly becomes is blizzard against that stuff?

Despite being one of those letters I’m so sick of seeing those threads day in and day out like every day of the year is pride day.


One of the bad faithers went on a fat shaming diatribe but wasn’t gone for very long and probably just posted on one of their other accounts.


Hi! I’m not LGBTQ+ but in regards to the bad faith actors, I’m afraid of what’s been going on in the forums. I’ve seen several… groups (I’ll put it that way) attempting to claim LGBTQ+ and I’m afraid that it may cause issues for you all.

That one is one of the biggest posters of all these kinds of threads. (which you and I spoke of that earlier and you’ve seen what I’ve pointed out in other posts) and they have also (I suspect) posted topics about… other groups (I’ll put it that way).

I don’t want to see the wow community torn up over a troll. Lot of us may not agree on topics for whatever reason, but I like a lot of the people in here, and I don’t want to see anything bad happen to you all.

The below link is what I pointed out in another thread. Take it as you will. I hope this stuff all stops soon.


This whole mess (Along with a bunch of other stuff in my life) is making want to hurt myself again.

My transition is not something to be used to hurt other people and I am getting sick of it. I don’t like living in a world where this happens. I have enough things I struggle on a day to day basiss incuding just being myself and fighting to get away from people who treat me like my dead self.

I don’t need to see this stuff when I look for the threads that I like and try and relax. I have ENOUGH on my plate. My transtion is not something to be used as a wepon to hurt others.