LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I know I asked why you didn’t post here because we’re having such a trolls making bad faith LGBT+ threads problem right now about things that really don’t need their own threads.

LGBT+ people are especially sick of it because the troll threads become full of hate like the OPs intend. I’m worried that one of these days someone who is less resilient might enter one thread while feeling down and having ideations of self harm, expecting a friendly supportive thread and the hate bombarding is so much they wind up getting pushed off the edge.

The reaction of thinking you’re a troll alt isn’t unreasonable. The fact you seem to start a lot of other threads that are a little trivial, or questionable, or banal lends itself to that suspicion.

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IK that. Whether they’re “trolls” or not, this thread is still first.

Agree and first.

Gee thank you for letting me know you think my threads are “a little trivial, or questionable, or banal.” That just made my day…

I probably would have deleted this, too.

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Hello everyone. Had a potion today and I think everything is alright. I feel a bit smaller than usual but that is about it I think. How is everyone? Hope you are doing well.

Also why is there a constant meowing? Is there a cat around here or is it just me?

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Now I’m curious :face_with_peeking_eye:

I am too! But part of it was quoted.

Uhhhhhh, hiiiiiiiiii!!!

Just wanted to check in with all the good folks in here.

I’m bouncing between D:I and WoW right now. That’s the games I’m doing. Also Rocket League. Pushed into Gold II today!

I think I like D:I more than any other ARPG I’ve played. I’m excited to keep playing it and learn/make the most of it I can as F2P (which means I’m not paying any, or maybe, very little $$$). It’s my introduction to the Diablo series, and so far I dig it. Just narrowed down I want to be a DH; at least I do today. I have 5 of 6 classes made.

Since this is the lounge; I’m just a, vibin. You know, as a questioning ally. I try my best to be an ally.

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“Welcome to Sanctuary. Variety is welcome here.”

“Personally, I only play WoW, but I play both Retail and Classic.”

I dabble in games more than anything these days. I will get a focused moment here and there where I bang out a bunch of levels or complete a grind, but mostly I dabble. I was playing some SoM before D:I came out. I might do that some more but it’s not as enjoyable as retail and Diablo atm.

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“Have you played Classic at all? Just curious.”

Last night my group was working on AotC.

Then my roommate got a bloody nose and her sinuses drained while she was trying to eat dinner, quite suddenly. And she started choking hard, and turning red, and her nose was bleeding. It was very scary.

And I’m sitting six feet away tanking the boss.

I’m like, “I have to go,” and jumped up to do the heimlich.

We wiped, last pull of the night. And people left without knowing what was happening.

Everyone upon finding out what happened so far has been like, “Is she okay?”

They’re all such good folks.


This is my 10,000th post on the new forums.

That’s it. Just wanted to post it in the LGBT Lounge <3



Thats a ton of posts. Grats.

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Lol that thread went down so fast.


I’m kind of wondering why people can’t troll like they used too.

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Because to troll successfully you have to not care. If you’re salty about something, it’s just not going to work.

I dunno I mean ragemode trolls successfully and he’s just talking about hunters

Yeah, but that’s a bit. You didn’t get that from his name?

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