LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

we didn’t ask.


“It takes a while. I planted the sapling many years ago, and it is just now getting to the height I need it.”

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Happy Pride month everyone :partying_face: :wolf:

Hiii ~





Long time no see :slight_smile: sorry I xfered servers

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“Welcome back.”


Thank you, dear :wolf:

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Happy Pride month everyone!

I’m looking for a guild. Figured I’d post here cause of the cross-faction possibilities now. I’m a 35 year old trans woman. I wanna join an LGBTQ guild. I’m a 241 prot warrior, worgen, on Moon Guard. Lots of guilds say they’re trans friendly, but then its a bunch of cishet men that totally don’t understand me, and its still awkward for me. Would be great to play with other queer identified people. lucy#1337 on Discord.

Edit: increased item level.

Wishing you all the luck in finding a guild that is LGBTQ+ friendly and a good fit for you :hugs: :heart:

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Our raid team is full on tanks, but maybe you could come run m+ sometime. I dunno.

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I am almost done with my playthrough of pokemon mystery dungeon explores of sky but part of me doesn’t want to do it. I don’t want to have to say goodbye again. I love these games to death but the endings hurt, this game even more so as you have to do it twice.

I don’t want to ramble to much about this game but it means a lot to me. It has helped to show me what true freindship is and the pain of loosing someone as close of family can be like. When I was a kid I couldn’t even finish the first game on my first playthough, not because it was a hard game but because when I got to the last cutscene it tore my heart out and I wanted my buddy back.

Anyways I love these games and enjoy the music.


I hate that I feel like druids have to be ardenweald

Is there any point to this thread now that everyday there’s an lgbtq thread in general?

I’ve only played one of those ones but I loved the one I played. Good games.

I think right now they can use night Fae and Maldraxxus depending on what you’re doing and still do well… I see a lot of druids from Maldraxxus.

What kind of question is this, most LGBTQ threads that are started outside of this one are troll threads to try and start drama where this one is a legit hangout spot for people, also you and everyone else that doesn’t want to see it don’t have to come into it if you have a problem with it just mute it.


This thread was here first. Part of the forum rules is not to create threads talking about the same thing. So, those threads are in more violation than this one.


Yeah, I wound up getting called.

…I did make it back in time to wave my flag and shout hooray as the parade went by.


Oh. Last week I was fully inducted into the fraternity. I was given a nifty embroidered letter jacket with the symbols and letters and my name on it. I was also given an ace flag and a saint candle featuring the notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

It’s very cool.


I was recomended this LGBTQ Megathread by a friend after I made a post regarding lgbtq players experience in Wow.

All of a sudden I was being attacked by not only the bigots but also the lgbtq people. To say the least I was kinda shocked. I was accused of being a troll by both sides.

After reading the posts in this thread. I learned some things I was not aware of. The first was that the bigoted trolls come in here regardless of the Title of the post being LGBTQ Megathread. It means these trolls have no respect for any body. How low can people be.
I warant that any one can come in. But then they just spew hate at the community.
How low can I.Q. Be?

I have also learned that apparently there are actually people who say that they are lgbtq. But maybe are not. Or maybe are? But they make threads claiming to be lgbtq so that they can get attention. And troll the people that respond to their thread. Even though they already know this is going to cause more hateful rhetoric from everybody. It’s like walking into bar with the sole purpose of starting a massive bar fight.

I just wanted to Apologize to the lgbtq community and say that I am truly sorry if I offended anyone. That was not my intention.

I now will just become an observer of this thread and perhaps learn more about the members of the Wow lgbtq community. Thank you.


To be fair, most of those threads are created by the same few trolls. This thread is legit.

Eh, it’s kind of like Battered Spouse Syndrome. The trolls have been doing what ever they want for so long, that the community overreacts sometimes.

I wouldn’t let it get you down. The forums are a very welcoming place, for the most part. :slight_smile: