LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“Sleep? What’s sleep?”


Never heard of it. I did lose a few hours to some strange blackness just after 2am… But then it was morning and I didn’t have time for strange gaps in memory.


“Sleep: Those little slices of death, how I loathe them. – Edgar Allen Poe."


Ok, so… admittedly I just skipped like 100 posts that I haven’t read yet so I might be breaking up a conversation but I just discovered I have a need, a desire, a pretty urgent craving.

In another thread I came across people talking about an elitism helper addon. Some DBM style addon that makes party announcements, from what I gather. If we have anyone here proficient at creating or altering add-ons, I had an idea :sweat_smile:

Now, I had the undeniably stupid idea of a campy version of this addon (probably should have a toggle to announce to the group). Like… if someone were silenced, a small Valentina face could pop up with: “I’d like to keep it on please” near their character. There are so many queer moments like this that’d translate to gameplay and be hilarious (imo).

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Sounds like a cross between EH and Comix.

I make no guarantees because I’m busy studying for my frat initiation but maybe…

I’ve never tried EH. If you can turn off the announcement to group thing it’d be great.

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I’d actually love this LMAO

Imagine standing in fire and the addon goes “that’s a choice…”


I logged into my CVS app and it greeted me with my dead name.

I was like…

I forgot to update the app. So I fixed it.


Yo… the best of luck! You won’t need it, you seem intelligent and determined from what I’ve read of your posts :slight_smile:


Boss enrages: Big Rupaul-head pops up and screams “I don’t want to see any G*dd**n H&M!!”

Edit: Sanguine - “You better sissy that walk up on outta here!”

I’ll stop

Edit 2: If you get removed from any group, have a button pop up that you can spam click, it /says “Water off a ducks back” until you feel better…

Now I’ll stop

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Boss gets pulled.
Ru Paul: You better werk.

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So much yes. See? The potential here is huge-normous >:0

I love it. So does my housemate.

“Only if I can turn it off, on my machine. Apps like that would drive me to quit, if I can’t avoid them.”

Hope everyone had a good memorial day weekend!

What’s on the docket today?

My roommate lost a toe. He can’t drive for a while. I’m taking him to the podiatrist.

I’m also working on my frat paddle. One for my mentor, one for the org for our class.

I’ve been went sanding the paddles with 400 grit, 1000 grit, and 1500 grit sandpaper. They’re super smooth.


“Glass smooth. I love working with wood. I am about to make a staff, out of an old Christmas Tree trunk. As soon as Hubby gets me some more 60 grit, for my power sander, so I can take the branch knots down first. Already striped the bark off. I did that top of January, when it was easier to peel.”


I never thought of using a Christmas tree trunk to make a staff. That’s brilliant.

I bought a $30 power center to make the peacock sculpture head and it was the best thing I ever did. I got the triangle shaped one so that I could get into little crevices and stuff. The ventilation system is all full of plaster right now and I need to clean it but you know it was cheap cheap.

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“The best kind to use are Nobles. They have the best symmetric form. They are also known for growing fairly straight. Be sure to peel the bark off no more than a month after they were cut. I usually go and cut my own Christmas Trees, so I can pick the best structure. I have made about ten staffs so far, out of various types of tree trunks, and/or straight branches. I am actually growing my own Holly Tree, so I can make a Holly Staff.”

That’s what we used to get as a child.

We don’t do the tree thing now but maybe I can ask for donations from neighbors in the subdivision after the holidays.

They might be a little older in terms of cutting vs bark though.

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“I am sure you can handle getting the bark off. It’s just easier, the less dried out the trunk is.”

I need to grow a tree…

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