LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

So at my new job like 50% of the people working there are LGBT. We’re all zoomers and I know we have the highest percentage of being LGBT but I didn’t expect this, lmao.

I keep seeing trans or non-binary people working in stores I go to. One was at Kohl’s when I returned stuff I bought for the frat party but we didn’t use for decoration. Then I ran into one at the paint counter at Home Depot, at the fabric counter if JoAnn, and checkout at Michaels.

It was both neat and sad. Neat to see them. Sad to see them working in retail where they likely get harassed for who they are.


Maybe it’s that I don’t get out much but I rarely see trans people out and about, so I was really surprised with the couple of people at my job, lol.

I work in customer service and it actually hasn’t been too terrible. I’d say my nonbinary coworker has it the worst because they are constantly being deadnamed and misgendered. Even then they are still a very positive and nice person. I wonder how they do it, lol.

The auto-dialer for my doctor’s office kept dead naming me, so did the scheduling department because their software gave them my legal name instead of preferred name. I got fed up with it eventually and got a legal name change.

Hmm, so it took a legal name change? Would it be to personal to ask my coworker if they’re going to do a legal name change since it might help them not get deadnamed?

As for myself, I haven’t gotten a legal name change yet but it’s hard to deadname me since I’m going by my unisex nickname I’ve gone by my whole life hehe.


Reminds me of my doctors office. Legally I still have my deadname so for paperwork I use it. Or setting up appointments. But my Doctor made sure the employees learned my preferred name quick once I explained how I came out. So at least I don’t gotta hear it.


Because I’m a broke student on state healthcare it was free. But it costs like 400ish dollars here, plus the cost of updating your driver’s license.

It might or might not be something easy to do.

Here gender affirming name changes are confidential but in some places you might have to publish in a newspaper.

Most of the employees were good about it. But I can’t explain it to an Autodialer.

The worst thing was getting a name change then getting jury duty summons in my dead name months later… To the same court that did the name change.

I called the number very mildly irritated-like. And the lady said they pull names in bulk like six months before and had gotten the info before the name change. It was quite silly. I got an apology but she gave me advice—The group I was listed in would likely not be called so I shouldn’t delay it until summer. She was right.

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ew that feels like a safety risk. why do they gotta make people do that.

In many places the court will give you a list of newspapers in the middle of nowhere where no one will ever read it or care.

I think it’s a relic from before social security numbers.

My goal is to get those laws changed here in the state as well as the two-month mandatory delay on all name changes even ones that aren’t published. I had to keep it a secret from people because I was afraid someone would object to it.

The reason why I feel this way is because we know have social security numbers which can be tied to our debt so it doesn’t matter what our name is, and frankly it’s no one else’s business what someone chooses their name to be. There shouldn’t be an opportunity for objections, people should have the right to control what they’re called.


yea maybe I’m just paranoid but I’d be worried about some random freaks putting people on a “list” through papers they find. hopefully those laws get changed eventually.

You can work with a state senator or assembly member to draft language to do that.

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With the increasing frequency of LGBT troll threads, I think it might be time to update the LGBT+ thread bingo card.

There is a nonzero chance that, for the first time, I will be in a location where I physically can participate in a pride parade and be available to do so.

I have obtained a large ace flag in preparation for this day.


I gave my ace flag to my university pride center. They didn’t have one. I’ll have to get another.


Honestly, with my luck, there will be a fire or something for the duration.

But the important thing is I’M READY.

I think my fraternity is going to be volunteering/helping out at ours.

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You caught us. Most people need to be awake to post in and make threads.


Joke’s on the guy complaining about wokeness—i just took a nap and after I finish this post I’m taking another.


been up since 4am - so I guess I’m not woke :rofl:


smh guys. ruining the threads reputation of well adjusted human beings with healthy sleep schedules.