LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Which is honestly a shame. I see more and more folk wearing em round here though each year so I hope one day they’ll be much more accepted.

Oh. Oh I like that one.

Bah! Bop him on the head.

Wasn’t that long ago everyone wore dresses and skirts even in the US.

Kilts are uprezzed useful clothing!

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He’s just a polo normal dressed type he himself says he’s boring and has no style he has to get his self esteem a boost tbh. He’s a chronic recluse. I’m a social butterfly it’s a very odd relationship like we are always tug o waring each other haha but after 17 years we manage well and his reactions to my outgoing natures funny and cute in a quirky way.

I think at times we try to get under each other’s skin out of boredom of the everyday things lol. Idk turned into an old married couple already at 35. :joy:


I still wanna get a pride shirt Critical Role made.

Or this one

They’ll probably have one for this year too.


Oh I love those! I’ll have to give them a glance on lunch break for sure!
For now though work shift is starting thank goodness it’s the last day before a three day weekend.

Fingers crossed memorial day will be an off day two. A 4 day from this place would be heaven!

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They got pride socks too.


Pride merch feels underwhelming unfortunately but maybe that’s just me.

I don’t want to be a walking advertisement for a company I want art from one of their video games or something.


I’m glad it’s there but I’m also wishing I felt like blizzard was being genuine but I don’t to be honest. Better then nothing I suppose

I kinda preferred it when corporations ignored us, but tbh if it makes some people happy then who am I to stop them.

I like it this way, actually. Corporations dont do things out of morality. Corporations doing token pride stuff has shown that they’ve judged that supporting LGBT+ people will make them money instead of losing them money, which is technically a good sign.


I find it underwhelming.

Just wish we had more colors to be honest. I appreciate using the rainbow color though.

There’s like, over forty pride flags, several historic ones, plus others. Some are even abandoned due to plagarism.

There’s like, the plagarized lipstick lesbian one, there’s a similar one with pink on top, there’s two variants of the sunset, there’s labrys themed ones, I’ve seen like three different butch ones. There’s also the sapphic flag

There’s the men loving men / gay men “toothpaste” flag in five and seven line variants. There’s also the Achillean flag.

There’s the trans, transmasculine and transfeminine (the later two people say are not for transmen and transwomen but for non-binary leaning trans, meaning maybe transmen and transwomen need their own). There also black trans flags.

There’s demigender, demiwoman, and demiman flags.

There’s agender.

There’s demisexual flag.
There is the asexual flag, aromantic flag, several acr/aro flag variants.

There’s the non-binary flag.

There’s non-binary loving men, non-binary loving women, non-binary loving non-binary.

There’s two spirit flag for indigenous LGBT+ people.

There’s bi-gender, pansexual, omnisexual, abro, the list goes on.

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For me it’s that I don’t trust corporations. There’s not much transparency in terms of where all the proceeds go. Is it funneled back to their profit margins or is there a genuine attempt at supporting shelters and charities? In a way, it feels like Pride for Sale.

At the same time, the visibility does help to remind people that discrimination still exists and we need to make a conscious effort to challenge those stereotypes and prejudices. I feel like it’d be an insult to history and to all those who suffered to be silent.

So yeah, I think ultimately it’s better to have support than to be alone.


About WoW SL, I saw a gay horse married with a gay elk in Ardenweald, the only question which popped in my head is:

“As no living being live out there, the need to replenish a specie isn’t required, with this fact, desires and preferences (or anything related to an ego) are discarded, so why would there be heter0, trans-species, lesbians or gays in the afterlife?”

Edit: Ouch!!! I just found out that the word h-e-t-e-r-o isn’t allowed in the forum. That gives me something to think about

The full word is fine.

I think you’re placing too much weight on their soulshape forms and the identities. Soulshapes are nothing but just a nature-based form for a soul, and the entire point of the Night Fae is to nurture that and guide them to rebirth.

Thiernax and Qadarin were from the planet Fyzandi that was attacked by an Old God. Thiernax became the Night Warrior to defend the planet, and Qadarin shared some of the power to help save him. Their storyline has nothing to do with their sexual identities. They were only sought after by the Night Fae to try to figure out how to help save Tyrande.

It’s also pretty smart if you factor in the overarching Shadowlands storyline and how the Jailer manipulated Sylvanas by saying that you can’t spend your afterlife with your loved ones. And here we have proof that you can in fact spend your afterlife with your loved one.

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Honestly what baffles me the most about this story is how much they both QQ yet they got to be together eternally in the afterlife.

While many dead people were forcefully seperated from their loved ones (which is why sylvanas gets all pissy)

Well there does seem to be a correlation between worshipping Elune and whining. Joking aside, the entire concept of how souls reunite was touched on by Danuser where he hinted that it can happen after they fulfill their duty in the Shadowlands or whatever. I’m not a big fan of how they structured the framework of the story, but here’s the quote:

It does raise the question of well, what about people in life? We’ve shown that as souls come into the Shadowlands, the Arbiter judged them and sent them to the afterlife that was appropriate for them, and we see four of these afterlives that we play through in the Covenants, but the Shadowlands is a realm of infinite afterlives and one of the things that we’re showing is that, just because someone had a certain pairing in life, doesn’t mean they’re going to go to the same place - at least not right away - in the Shadowlands.

But there are opportunities… Shadowlands represents an eternity, and so maybe her and Durotan are in separate places right now, but maybe their fates would, down the road, lead them to find an afterlife that they can share together. But right now the place that she needs to be Maldraxxus because they’re in a lot of trouble, and her warrior spirit is going to be one of the things that that helps see them through this dark time.

This is the weirdest leap of logic I’ve seen today, but its early yet.

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That’s how I feel about it too

Sure some of it is cringe but I’ll take cringe over “We’re just gonna pretend you don’t exist”