LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

We all are. Unfortunately, and again, I’m speaking only anecdotally and as a non-LGBT person-I believe this is the result of modern day “allyship” wherein the ones who proclaim the loudest to be “allies” end up speaking over the ones they claim to support to validate their own selfish interests. If that makes any sense.

Either way, your frustration is definitely heard and Light willing, Blizzard will go to the Dollar Store, buy some common sense at 50% off and finally take out the trash once and for all.


In this case I don’t think this is modern day allyship but just put and out trolling.

I generally love and support allies but I’ve also found that when one sits down with an ally that is speaking over others and explain why that’s problematic they listen.

These trolls don’t.


True. And unfortunately, it seems as corporations are too scared to lay down the law.

But nevertheless, no one with any common sense is not going to place blame on an entire community of peeps due to the actions of a few bad actors.

At least I and the folks I know won’t.


Elmer! You’re suddenly speaking weird, what have those fake bears done to you??


“He does have his moments of clarity.”

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I have common sense? When did I get that? I thought I was too far down the rabbit hole here.

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Eugh. The last week or so we’ve been having AC probs. For context. I live in arizona.

Imagine like 115 degree weather outside and you’re in a room that can only manage maybe 85 degrees. Multiple fans going but you’re mostly just blowing around hot air.

We thought it was fixed finally. Had a few days of relief. Now its busted again and the repair guys have to come in again.

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I just started college. Met a couple of exchange students from South Korea and that is pretty awesome.

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Today is the gathering and party run by my new member class at the queer frat. I’m going to be so tired.

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Good luck Zandrae hope everything is fun.

Congratulations on graduating!

I don’t usually check the dates when I respond to someone (such as right now with this reply to you) :woman_shrugging:

That was the exact opposite of my intent, in fact I clearly remember flagging them several times.

Thank you for reminding me to do so again because clearly action hasn’t been taken to remove their post.

Walked around in 100+ degree heat for hours for the frat outing.

The frat outing was basically a quest chain. The active members and some alumni wandered around campus to new members like me who were being quest NPCs. We’d do trivia, play games, etc.

In true wow nerd fashion, I made signs with a wow quest npc ! on one side and a ? on the other. I used an image of the actual icons. I vectorized them, blew them up, gave them a dark color from the frat brand color list as a background, had them printed, taped one ? and one ! back to back and mounted it on stir sticks from my local hardware store.

As we were finishing one of our members not with the group had an idea, ran to someplace along the way to our destination, and stood there holding up a “!” and the group noticed the sign, and him, and went to him.

He then did the bridge of death skit from Monty Python. As the last member on the quest was asked the last question of “What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?” that member got confused and didn’t know.

I sauntered on over with my cane and said, “What do you mean? African or European?”

It was good.

The actual party was really low key. One of our alumni came in drag as a gender swapped link from Zelda. I went full steampunk. Three of the frat boys dressed in leotards with tutus and fairy wings and said they were the fairies from Cinderella (or something). One was a wood elf, one had a plastic sword, a cape, and some leather arm armor. One of the alumni wore a shirt with a different frat lettering as his costume. It was all very good.

Dry frat. No booze at the party. One of the guys grilled chicken breasts. We had all sorts of snack trays and whatnot.

I made a sparkling punch recipe I found online that looked awfully familiar—Someone had posted the same recipe that my family used to use online. It was very popular. It’s easy to make and has a great balance between sweet, sour, and tangy.

Most importantly, it was a taste from my childhood, and I got to share it.

Between the outing and party I went to the doctors to meet my new trans informed doctor. He wore pink scrubs and a trans flag lanyard for his badges. He’s either a very flamboyant gay man, or a very flamboyant trans man, but I love him.

Medical stuff

The MRI found I had a burst popliteal cyst, something very painful. My googling shows these are caused by arthritis. I need to do more reading but this is another piece of evidence towards me having arthritis in my knees, like I’ve been telling people for over twenty years of people not believing me. I feel vindicated. They’re going to be giving me a topical gel for pain, and accupuncture, and physical therapy to start with.

I’m going to try to get into better shape this summer. They’re giving me a med that helps with weight loss. Usually for diabetes but they found it’s great and non stimulant.

The doctor also is in alignment with me when it comes to treating my thyroid hormone issues, rather than get me slightly under the max in the long tail, were going to get me into the middle of the bell curve.

So low carb diet, reducing calories, fixing the thyroid, the weight loss med, and doing weight training is going to hopefully help me drop that weight I gained during the three months of no kitchen then the whole covid lockdown.


So I found while peering through kilts cuz idk in a mood for one and found this


Nicely priced too.

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IKR that’s amazingly affordable.

I might get this though it’s similar in pride but a bit tones down and subtle for a more casual wear hah

They also have a bear pride one… So many choices I was just wanting to get one in my heritage clan colors but now I may have to spend a little bit more! xD


Still pretty reasonable. I’m not a kilt man but that’s cheaper than some of my pants have been…

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True. I like wearing them now and then when out and about. They beat the heck out of denim on hot humid summers xP
My partner doesn’t seem to like when I wear them…hah

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The one time I wore one it was the height of a Californian summer.

I appreciate that I didn’t bake in it.

Honestly wish I’d liked em more, I find them quite fashionable.

Some folk need time to realize a kilt is cool. I hope your partner warms up to it.


I love wearing them but yeah I’d be lying if I said I was not nervous wearing them out in public purely because they are extremely uncommon in the US.

Another version

He’s ok with me wearing my gothic black long kilt which goes to my feet. :joy:. Yet the normal kilt with long boots oh that’s embarrassing for him. Huff!

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