LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Why are you responding to a troll from 17 days ago and calling them back to this thread?


Good morning everyone!

What ya’ll up ta?

I decided to make a NE Druid

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Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is not to dwell on them.

wanders aimlessly into the thread with his favorite blankie tied around his neck like a cape, and sets up a table full of tasty :bear::sandwich:

Hi! I am Elmer and I am a gud Gnomey! I liv in my Nelfys pokiit, eet tasty :bear::sandwich:, and wathc adorubul otter videos! I lyke too giv Hordes lots and lotsz of hugs…WITH BULLETS AND KITTIES!! Beecuz thin they giv me big squooshy Horde hugs bak and it mayks me giggle!

Yoo can hav sum tasty :bear::sandwich: beecuz it will mayk yur tummies happy! HOORAY!

I thynk Billrid shud mayk a thing to doo in the new playse so we kan smak naughty bears that tell lies about beeeing bears in the head so they tirn intwo tasty :bear::sandwich:! We kan all hav happy tummies and bee happy Azeroth buddypalz! HOORAY!

sits down on the floor and absently chews on a tasty :bear::sandwich: while humming a tuneless and wordless happy Gnomey song


And how is everyone today?


“I am doing well. How are you, friend?”


Terrible night. I woke to figuratively coughing up a lung then literally slipped down my stairs.

The day itself though is going swimmingly.

Just had a wonderful Buffalo chicken tendie dinner.


“Oh, ouch. Are you okay?”

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Yeah I’m fine. Just a bruise thankfully.

It wasn’t the sort of falling where I tumbled heard over heels or nothing.


“So, toboggan style? Slid down on your bottom side? I have done that SO MANY TIMES.”


Little more haphazard but yeah. Kinda more on my side. Lol


“Ever done it on purpose? Cookie Sheets can be fun, as a kid.”

Afraid not. In the snow a few times back in Tahoe when I was young. Thats about it.


“I once slid down three flights of stairs, on a serving tray. Was a BLAST. Turning the corner, on the landing, was the hardest part.”


Ow. I hope you’re feeling better.


Oof idk about you’ll but things have been feeling so off recently. Might be cause of retrograde season right smack center during a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, but good god I feel like there’s been so many more off days than usual.


I’ve largely finished all my finals but one of my housemates is sick.

He's in the hospital, uncomfortable text within, read at your own risk.

Narrowing of veins and arteries in the legs, cellulitis infection. He has severe diabetes and one of his toes turned grey overnight.

Yesterday they did an angioplasty in his legs. Today they’re amputating. It’s a middle toe so in the grand scheme of things it’s not going to cripple him and myself and his wife are thankful that he’s not losing a foot and that he’s in generally good health.

This happened before during warlords of draenor. He had three infections including staph and had developed sepsis. A bone in his foot had broken from charcot and he didn’t realize it because diabetic neuropathy. It became infected and would not heal. He had a 40% chance of survival. By comparison he’s expected to be just fine because we caught it all early.

I wanted to post a friendly reminder that the purpose of this thread is for us to chill and talk about LGBT+ things.

A vast majority of threads of being posted by the T-Team and a particular female human priest are troll threads posted in bad faith to increase community ire upon us.

Please keep in mind that none of the troll posters speak for us and it is unlikely that many actual LGBT+ posters on the forums support these threads.

Please don’t take it out on us.


Those of us who aren’t LGBT and have even an iota of common sense would never hold people responsible for the actions of others.

I’m just glad you have a place to feel comfortable when “the going gets tough” and hopefully, this thread and others like it will become a place free of nasty trolls.



Blizzard had done a somewhat okay job of removing the most egregious trolling here though lots of nastiness remains because it didn’t get flagged.

I’m so exhausted at the constant troll threads. I wish Blizzard would do something.