LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Unless they’re cute.

Then they’re excused.


I hope everyone is having an exciting, enjoyable, and productive day in and out of Azeroth!

As for me–I’ve been battling cancer for a few months, now. Doctors say it’s treatable and I should be good once all my chemo and surgery goes through.

It’s given me a lot of time to reflect on some things, ya know?

But it’s still a little sad–because I have absolutely not even enough energy most days to plop myself at my computer to log in and muck about.

I’d love to hang in Grizzly Hills, turn my computer volume on high–and just shut my eyes and…relax.

Some of the music in Wrath…perfection. Brilliance. Soothing.

I’ve been playing on again, off again, for many many years.

This is a fairly new account because I couldn’t remember any information for the life of me on my old one. Ha! Oops!

Today I am going to try to level this Warlock up to 30–same with my Guardian Druid. I have over 24 characters created + 3 dedicated bank alts which carry random items in their inventory and banks.

I always go for Loremaster on every toon I play. Is that weird? I guess since I’m older, and don’t really push high end content–it gives me stuff to do in Azeroth, while also keeping me occupied IRL–if I need to escape IRL for a bit.


“Been there. It can change your outlook on life entirely.”

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Here is birb in progress.

I’m waiting for the googly eyes to arrive so I can put them on the foam padding that attach to the goggles.


watching a monster hunter event on their youtube

my fav monster got a sub species

I’m practically vibrating in joy lol

It’s the ice looking fish monster.

I just love seeing a new monster and just thinking ‘Man…I’m gonna kill a lot of you because your weapons and armor are gonna look awesome’ lol

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That is not true at all. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your “group” regardless of size. If your group is evil, well then, again size is irrelevant.

You assume supremacy. One can be proud of who they are and represent with out the feeling of superiority.

If a minority group is proudly waving their flag all the while condemning the “dominate” group for the same, well, that would be promoting what you are condemning.

Good luck and God bless. I hope your journey is on the up tick. Lvl that Warllock, they are bad to the bone!

“A thought came to me, thinking about that Pride Transmog concept, that I want to share with you guys.”

“What about an Illusion, that you could buy, much like the ones we put on our weapons? One that will cause a piece of gear to shine with an Opalescent Dance. You could apply it to as few, or as many, pieces as you want to.”




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I hate when someone feels better to play but it’s such a massive dps loss.


(Vigor as an Outlaw Rogue, btw)

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Me with hearthstone atm.

Yes I COULD use a mech warlock deck to win but its so hecking boring. So I use Murlocs, or a Curse / Fatigue gimmick one. I do have a deathrattle one as well but that one takes a bit for the gimmick to work.

The murlocs are fun but I just get demolished lol

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I wouldn’t mind that. Be kinda neat to be able to open that door on armor enchant visuals.


Pity it’d take two seconds for “hur hur wheres muh straight pride transmog / illusion?”


I try not to get bogged down by those dying slow painful societal deaths.


Altho. Stuff like charity mogs / illusions would be neat. I mean I’m of the “Just go donate to a charity if you want directly.” group rather than only if you get video game goodies. But it would still be neat.


Oh yeah stuff like that I love.

Though I normally (me and my hubby) donate directly rather than buy the goodies…

Still cracks me up to remember it was Garrosh’s voice actor that donated the last big chunk of money so we could all get the sloth pet.

I think he tweeted “SLOTHTAR OGAR” and I had a silly giggle fit over that


“Picture this. You get a mostly white and silver gear set, and apply the illusion to each piece. When you run, you trail rainbow colors. When you dance you trail rainbow colors. When you swing your blade, it trails an arch of rainbow colors. When you fly, you trail rainbow colors. Your Character becomes a living Rainbow Generator. And it doesn’t time out. It’s there as long as you want it to be.”

“As for a Straight Transmog? Just don’t add the Rainbow Illusion, and there you go.”


No, full stop

You not only fail to understand both, but you are also openly calling to exclude both from our own space(s)

So shocking (not really) how you left both the T and the Q out

I’m guessing you’re one of those bigots who posted their vitriol in live chat during the talent revamp segment of the Dragonflight reveal

If not, I will have you know that others with more or less your same mentality did

Again, this is very telling of your bigotry

That’s rich coming from someone attempting to diminish and exclude two marginalized groups in favor of one that isn’t

:yawning_face: :wave:

We can agree to disagree.