LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

If you’re talking about the 2 hunters I think you are, They are at least using 2 different accounts. No way to tell for sure if it’s 1 person controlling both, but the toons are on different accounts.

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Well the lowbie hunter is definitely someone’s alt cause the only achievements they have on their account is the lvl 10 one and completing exile’s reach. Someone really has too much time and money on their hands. It’s just there no way to know for sure if it’s that person’s alt, or someone else’s. But it’s 100% some sort of troll alt.

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It’s also the blank pet collection on 1, vs there being pets on the other.

Interesting to note is that the 50 mage also has an empty pet collection…


Was glad to see you again for the short time you were here.

Its entirely valid to get away from something that causes you harm for whatever reason and I hope you find a better place to just be you.

Until we meet again, cheers.


Always so eloquent, Fenelon :star_struck:

Blathering about the T-Team trolls.

I wanted to make a post in the troll problem discussion thread but now I can’t.

I’m seeing two problems:

  1. The T-Team is allowed to constantly make troll threads which invite hatred and trolling.

Part of why this is a problem is because even when we have someone ignored we still see their threads and have to manually mute them.

I mean, I’m not at all surprised. The potato in charge of developing this forum was staunchly against adding the ability to block people at all. The Discourse (forum software) devs argued tooth and nail against adding it under any circumstances. Circumstances brought up in favor of the feature were things like Universities having mandatory Discourse forums and female students having no way to block someone who had assaulted them. The dev was like, “Assault is illegal,” and the reasons why people don’t report had to be explained to him and despite that he still resisted. The thread has since been deleted because someone realized it was a bad take.

  1. While a lot of us regulars are actually pretty resilient, I fear what someone who isn’t as resilient might deal with as a result of the hateful content T-Team trolling. I can see things going sidleways in the very worst way possible.

Not only would that be terrible. That’s how criminal investigations and lawsuits happen.

It can’t keep going on like this.


This is the thing.

My only opinion on those posters is: it shows an obvious lack of intelligence and dignity going after people that are already kicked down by so many. I wonder how trolls like that live, it’s hard to imagine someone so unintelligent living a normal life, ya know?

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Its complicated.

I’m of the belief that if someone is too sensitive, maybe steer clear of some people. Blocking and knowing that stuff tends to go away when you turn the computer off. Trolls have the same kinda logic. They do their nonsense, then sleep soundly away from the computer. Until they get caught. ( Example, that Violentacrez fellow on Reddit )

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I also understand that sometimes people take trolling way too far. Observing Lolcows like Chris Chan from a distance is usually okay. Going out of your way to interact with them among other things that happened to them, yeaaaaaah that ain’t fun. ( I’d elaborate more on them but its not really forum friendly )


And how is everyone else doing this fine day?

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bit of a mehday monday, but getting thru :slight_smile:

How bout u?

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So far all right.

Hoping the rest of the day will go well but much of it will be grocery shopping looking for deals.

Boring on the whole.

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ooo cool :slight_smile:

Bit slow here too, just meetings. I just have to appear interested so i’m getting some forum browsing done

Rough time right now. My peacock sculpture fell over and cracked and I have to patch it.


Can we put the conspiracy theories to rest please?

Like 9.2.5 kinda patch job orrr… :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry, had to get my licks in somehow. I hope you’re able to get it fixed

I’ve plastered over the cracks in the peacock mask. Once it dries I’ll send him, wash him, and spray some primer on the cracks.

Then I’ll paint him blue.

I’m going to give him hair though which is great.

I thought about giving him a mullet. But I’m going to go with long hair instead. Maybe bangs.

Did I mention he’s going to be called Lucas Quill?


Back from gym with a nasty pump!

That sounds very awesome!

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The Restoration of Lucas Quill :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ye you gotto know yourself and see what you’re willing to deal with. Remember that ultimately what matters is IRL, so you want to see if your personal relationships are being affected by what’s going on online. I personally go by entertainment value. If a troll is still somewhat entertaining then I won’t block, but if they’re being nasty and getting personal then I block cause I ain’t got time to entertain a child.

Its like how I treat my more edgelord moments. If I’m entertaining people, cool. But I also have an off button and try to punch up instead of down.

Edgelords that are constant just aren’t fun.