LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Yeah I’m sure my bones would be screaming around snow. Would still like to see it someday

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Snow is very pretty, I’ll give it that.

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Why are you even here? I’m pretty sure trolls aren’t welcome here.


I would also say be open about yourself (again as long as you don’t hurt others and such.) This is for your benfit and it took me a while to figure out on my journy to self discovry. I don’t say this as “You tell people outright who you are.” More just be who you are and be happy with who you are. Don’t shut parts of you way because it might be a bit akward, like the size changing giantess side of me. (Yes that is a thing.)


I have that phobia too, and the more I drive (because I have to) the worse it gets. I didn’t know it was common with autism. That’s a useful bit of information. Thanks!


I love AZ born in Tucson. Most my mom’s side of the family still live there, would go every few years to visit.
Best memory was a whole summer vacation there with my Oma. So much fun…but yeah its really hard to wear a suit in the southern humid heat… I cant begin to imagine AZ in the nice comfy 104, but indeed a partial could help. I still need to finish the one I started last year.

I think its 40-60% have a form of carphobia anxiety issues that seem to worsen behind the wheel. I will try to ease it by getting a motorcycle oddly it doesnt trigger my anxiety.
Really not sure why its only cars specifically. So frustrating to me .


“I have a deep phobia of riding in Cars. I find that Trucks, and larger vehicles, don’t scare me as much, and I think it’s because I feel safer in a machine that can survive getting hit by another machine. Could be why Cars effect you harder, too. Maybe you should try driving a Truck.”

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Luckily it’s as a result of this chaos that true heroes arise.


I recall my 1st and only physical driving test I had to use our family mini van…
The tester had me stop as soon as I got into the parking lot…
Was the only one to fail never got in much practice. No real oppertunity so just never happened. I just feel comfortable with a motorcycle.

Will try for a polaris slingshot once I get the 20k saved. X3


“I have never even had a License. I am too terrified to even get behind the wheel.”


Dude is still even using his turn signal. That’s a god right there.


Arkansas laws were pretty lax about mopeds so long as they were a certian CC could drive without a liscense.
I will deff need a GPS as I’m horrible with directions. xD

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“When my Hubby and I go on a trip, he drives, and I’m the Navigator. I almost never get lost.”
/proud grin


It’d be dangerous otherwise.


I moved from South Carolina to a colder place around 5 years ago. First time it snowed I was like a kid on Christmas morning. People were like “Yeah but you’ll learn to hate it soon enough.” Still dont. Still absolutely amazing every time. :snowflake:


I know I just recently got back but I am leaving again. Not because of this thread. I am taking a break from the fourms all together. Some things happed outside (mostly the TBC fourms) of here and I just need to leave because of it as I don’t feel like I can be myself on the fourms without being treated badly for it.

I may be back in the future. So until then cheers.


I cant wait to see snow for the first time. Some self analysis: I actually could just go to Thredbo, maybe I haven’t because subconsciously I know I’d really struggle with those temps. I’m a 28 yr old man that grew up in Outback NSW and is most comfortable on 40+ degree days, so even though snow is surely beautiful in person, maybe it’s not for me :stuck_out_tongue:


If you play alliance on retail, feel free to add me on Btag. My BF and I only do silly things like torghast/BGs/World PvP/Help guildies etc but you’d be more than welcome to come along? Only requirement for you to do so: Be yourself to the umpteenth degree. I know what it’s like to hide yourself (Outback Aus wasn’t the most accepting place when I was a teenager) and it makes me giddy to provide a place where you can be yourself with no judgement.

Double Edit: Please be aware I play on oceanic servers though, so ping should be a considered downside.


“My Husband is from Adelaide. First time he ever saw snow was after he moved in with me. He was giddy as a school boy, and has been in love with it ever since. Go for it.”


I like snow and I am thankful to live in a climate where it doesn’t stick around. Shoveling it on the other hand…