LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Not sure if serious or trolling.

Oh. Clearly trolling.


Well you know
first post user. I’m pretty sure we know.


I kept it about you being ignored you are the one bringing it futher to include my family in an offensive abandonment jab. I dont give a kodos crap what more you have to say.
Put water into someone elses ears.

The second post made it obvious.


Thanks again for the non-reply trolling :+1:t5: Our community is really proud.

Not trolling, imagine being part of a group of people that your scared to even bring it up on-top of what’s really on your mind. Then it isn’t an issue until someone famous dies.

Sure why not. Any day friend. You are very much welcome.

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You did not.

Further, your first post in this thread was trying to stir the pot with someone else. Second post was this

You don’t like me throwing a ‘no you’ at you in similar fashion, don’t do it at me when I hadn’t offered insults then. If you believe your words to be so offensive they shouldn’t be used towards you, don’t use them at others.


If you are unhappy here then you can always mute the thread and move on.

I talk about behavioral health quite often. Somehow the world doesn’t end.

If you are afraid to talk about your health, that’s a you problem.


Ah yes however my issues are situational with my last statement
 Obviously I’m fine now. I do talk about my behavior quite often as well. A different setting, if I was unhinged, would have me very afraid.

I plan on asking the person that I call about the name change to ask if the transend group is meeting in person/at all again. I haven’t had people to lean on for support for transgender issues I have been going through besides my friends.

I don’t really do that here as trolls come here and I don’t think some people want the thread to be a “support thread.” So, I try not to bother.

It will also be nice as my theripst had to stop seeing me due to insurance issues.


Aw bummer friend. I had that happen as well. I can sometimes still video chat with them in a dire emergency but thankfully that hasn’t happened often.

I’d say this would be a support thread once the trolls get bored of it. But I understand not wanting to talk about sensitive issues going on when you got trolls lurkin about


I don’t understand it but my motto in life has always been as long as you don’t hurt anyone and you respect people’s boundaries then who cares. We can always just hang and be friends.

All while being ridiculously cute

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Oof that’s wild to me, but I can somewhat relate when I think about how it feels to use a warm electric blanket when it gets really cold!

Oh sometimes furs play in the snow and its adorbs.

If I ever got a suit I’d probably just get a partial. Where its just the head and some gloves / tail. MAYBE feet.

Arizona just makes it challenging lol


If only you took your own advice :thinking:

Good god I missed so much drama in the past four hours cause I wanted to take a nap :sob:

Yeah please don’t do that to yourself. I’d really rather be cold than to be hot and sweaty. I just hate the heat in general.

Yeah. I’ve honestly never been around snow in my life. I hope to someday. I could go north in the winter but eh.

Least air conditioning exists.


It was fun when I was a kid. Now it sucks.