LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

google says worldwide its less than 1%, do your research

And bigots keeping people in the closet massively skews those numbers. Meanwhile Azeroth canonically doesnā€™t have that, so.


There are many factors going into those numbers.
But we, here in the forums, are not beholden to educate others if we donā€™t want to.

Itā€™s not our job to conduct or provide the research. That information is readily available online for such folk to see.

Letā€™s go back to talking about cute dragon based lgbtqia+ story possibilities.


Way to not have any critical thinking skills. You do realize a lot of people refuse to participate or come out?



I am doing good thank you for asking.


Thatā€™s good. Iā€™ve had a bit of a rough day but doing better now. Playing some Hearthstone and chilling.


Transgender is a gender preference. Queer is a word that describes something that is different or whimsical. Neither have anything to do with LGB which is a community about sexual preference. In actuality, the community should be called LGBS as Straight people are also about sexual preference. Letā€™s unite not divide.

Daw look at this brave widdle boy leaving the T out of lgbt


who asked.

Feeling super, thanks for asking. :rainbow:

Welcome to the thread. Stay a while and listen, except to the random trolls and such.


Itā€™s really sad this has to be said so often because they wonā€™t just scroll past or mute the thread and stay out of it.


This thread should not exist in general. Go to off-topic.

Mods disagree with you because they have restored and cleaned it many times so take what I just said a few ago and mute the thread and stay out of it.


It is really annoying at the least.

Think Iā€™ll just go back to immediately putting them on ignore.



Report the thread if you donā€™t like it.

Iā€™m just playing more Monster Hunter. I donā€™t really feel like focusing on big numbers and flawless solo hunts as Iā€™m trying to farm materials. So Iā€™m just running a support Hunting Horn to keep the other players healthy.

And no Iā€™m not just chilling in a corner and spamming heal. Iā€™m at least hitting the monster and getting Infernal Melody going when its needed. ( For those that donā€™t play. Itā€™s a 20 second buff move you gotta fill up this little circle thing. It fills up when you hit things )

Iā€™m so tired of fake news trolls posting fake news LGBT threads and speaking for us and speaking over us.

Iā€™m starting to think that these trolls are like, troll farm employees from the motherland.


It is tiresome to see obvious troll threads pop up.

I just flag em as needed and then mute em.

Whatā€™s everyone up to today?

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Just chillinā€™. Getting pizza later. Might draw my Kivouackian oc after Fennah released a new animation test.

But yeah Iā€™m mostly staying awake so I can monch on some pizza later lol


I need a nap.