LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I’ll be honest.

I’m a Wranduin fan… But that’s in fanfic.

They’re not really a healthy relationship.

But as friends? Even with some of the baggage along with that. (like him getting Varian killed effectively) I really like Anduin and Wrathion as friends who work through hard events but still managed to help each other to be better and stronger.


I may ship them but I’m cool with them being buds too.

Way back in MoP I just thought it was cute to picture Wrathion as a whelp just chilling on Anduins head. While Anduins just “He likes to be tall” and other cute things


How bout no

Utterly adorable.


All the letters!

been watching a bunch of Pinky and the brain they are so obviously a couple lol <3 Pinky




SO MUCH THIS. We need to see more male platonic relationships where guys can be emotionally close with each other without having it be a dating or sexual thing.

It’s honestly one of the best things to experience for guys because (with my male friends) I’ve always noticed this adherence to open up. They prefer to only focus on activities and shallow stuff like drinking and talking about current events. There’s a lot of “I’m not an emotional personal…” And that’s nonsense because they start to become so much more comfortable with their emotions when they feel like you actually want to see and hear them.

A lot of them were conditioned to repress it or believe they can only be truly close to a partner. So when they start to feel comfortable with expressing their feelings because I ask them to challenge those beliefs and communicate their feelings, I get very proud of them lmao.


Both. Both is good. ( okay I’m being greedy but its how I feel lol )


Literally first page of lounge. Please do research about a subject before making claims. Thank you have a nice day:


/10 char

Fun fact:

If a thread has 6000 replies and has been flagged and hidden to be cleaned of offensive posts multiple times, that should tell you blizzard deemed it not against the rules.

As such, by flagging, you are false flagging, which would indeed be against the rules.

On top of this, the GD lounge thread has a history of outright being created by blues until they upgraded the forums so we didn’t have to recreate threads after like 5000 posts.


“Thank you, for verifying that.”


Ya’ll remember the “original” lounge threads before the mods let the bigger ones be made?

I still remember hijacking troll threads and turning them into off topic chatter threads. Good times


“Good times, indeed.”

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How are you btw? I haven’t peeked in the other lounge for awhile

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“I’m surviving. Been a long strange trip, lately.”

“You doing okay?”

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I really didn’t know what to think of the Dracthyr thread / being a form of representation.

I didn’t mind the OP so much save for a specific line about it being representation done “right” and referencing what people say about “shoving it in our faces” when referencing more obvious LGBTQ+ representation.

And thats my thing I side eye I think, because some people are more obviously gay, some stories are more obvious because the characters involved or what have you, and thats not to say they should be the only stories told, I would enjoy seeing all different personalities / people represented, but when people take such issue w more obvious storylines and then point to a less obvious one and say that is representation done right I kinda dislike that.

Maybe its personal to me but it reminds me a lot of people in real life who are a little less accepting of traits typically associated w being an LGBTQ+ person, and thats not to say that people who have completely opposite personalities to those traits aren’t valid just it sucks when you say are more obviously gay and peoples tones more or less indicate that you are in their face.

And thats what I get from people who only want LGBTQ+ stories w characters told who don’t have certain traits they deem as “in your face” I think both avenues are valid, I’d like to see everyone represented in stories etc


Okay I guess. Tough to remind myself “Relax, your brain is just going through hypermentalization” but then 2 seconds later I dive back into arguing online lol.

Not the best coping mechanism but its not the worst either.

Other than that its just same ol same ol. Pain meds. Youtube. A little bit of Monster Hunter or Hearthstone. Meds. Forums. Sleep.

Rattling the brain around too to ponder story ideas for Dragonflight. Poor Rosenivy is just a teensy bit depressed once Shadowlands is over. I have it so its like “Okay the job is done. Best to just stay in the realms we’re meant to be in” so the way to the Shadowlands is closed. Leaving Rosenivy disconnected from being soulbound. ( Ignoring the fact that yes gameplay wise we can go to shadowlands whenever )

At this point he’s done with this faction war stuff and combat in general has gotten boring. Kinda why I’d imagine he’d go to the Dragon Isles in the first place. Since it’s mostly a research mission. He’ll recover from his depression and remember just how much he cares about his home.

That’s the basic stuff anyway and its likely to change bit by bit as we get more story hints from Blizz

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“You are a good story weaver.”

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Yeah a lot of Shadowlands was basically “Lets just test the trauma this warlock has”

He was even briefly visibly terrified at the weak little Arthas wisp.

It wasn’t all bad. The Venthyr helped a lot. Someday I’d love to get some art of Rosenivy chilling on a cliff in The Ember Ward. Since its got remnants of the Light. So he goes there to relax if he’s homesick. And sometimes Draven joins him. Like they’d both be sitting down and he’s resting his back against Draven’s stomach.

My headcanon is living souls like Maw Walkers can’t feel stuff like temperature with the Shadowlands weather. Like he’d be unable to feel the warmth of the sun in Bastion. Since hey. Living souls aren’t really supposed to be there. Of course parts of the Shadowlands would feel strange to them. The Ember Ward is probably the closest thing to “Hey this kinda feels like Silvermoon”

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