LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I haven’t seen that still in awhile. Ah, the memories.


This is pretty much how I live my life. I was raised as a “forever student”. We never know everything, and never will. But if we ever want to achieve things together as a species, patience and understanding go a long way. I know there are people that just don’t want to be reached, but I like to think that’s a minority overall


I’m just recently back from a forum break and I saw this space exists, and I wanted to pop in and say hi and I’m really glad it does.

It’s not my community, tho I do my best to be an ally, so I don’t have anything really more to say other than hi, I see you and I’m happy you’re here.


Hi there. Welcome back. Feel free to hang and vibe with us.


Oh wow this thread is still active amazing.

It’s really nice to see people be chill and supportive tbh.

For me personally, it’s nice to know that there’s a space somewhere where I (and others) can be themselves (albeit anonymous). It might seem silly or a non-problem, but having to filter and edit myself to make other people feel comfortable get’s really exhausting. Although I think I’m getting better at aligning those two sides of myself, but it’s kinda tough to describe how it feels to feel like you have to be 2 people at once.


So it seems the other fake news LGBT+ troll thread maker is back making more spam threads.

They’re talking about Anduin and Wrathion. I’m ambivalent.

I want some Horde representation.

I want orcs. I want gay orcs. I want broke back Orgrimmar.

I want big burly manly orcs giving each other nice cuts of steak :cut_of_meat: from the butcher as an act of courtship.


I’m about to ask a serious question and yes I could google it but i’d rather interact with others. Why is the rainbow the symbol? That is an honestly curious question and my only reply will be thank you.

That goes back to Gilbert Baker. The man who designed the first pride flag.

To him a rainbow was a natural flag from the sky.


Or male darkspear giving each other a little tusk nuzzle

I have returned! And, I took the advice. I’m (so far) not engaging with randoms. Gonna do my best to find a guild and hopefully join a community that is friendly and around my level of skill. Even if I end up having to make a guild and recruit a couple active players.

Anyway. So far so good. I’m, running into the problem of not knowing what I want to play. But, feeling good. Damn blizz had to go and excite me with the Dragonflight news. I fully intended to go away for a long time. But a month away has me feeling better about the game.

I managed to get an AotC guild going. It’s not all that easy but it is doable, and we’re now thriving after two years of work.

I am happy to give you pointers on what helped getting the guild I started up and running. Some of it isn’t what you might expect.

This seems like it’s in bad faith. I’m going to suggest you take your own suggestion and google it for your own sake. It’s best to educate yourself than have strangers do it for you. Have a great day :rainbow_flag:

I’d love to see Asric and Jadaar as a canon ship.

They’ve always fought like they were an old married couple. I see them throwing alphabetical order insults at each other in Wrath and am just like, “now kiss.”

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Still kinda bummed I don’t have many friends to geek out about fairshaw with.

Meh I’m just in a weird mood

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I’m like doing super overwhelmed right now. I have so many projects.

Today I paper mached the peacock suit head head.

I still have a lot to go. He’s sitting in the back yard sunning to dry the mache faster. I’m hoping to finish this weekend so I can put the finish layer on and paint the bird.

Thank you


I’ll elaborate.

It just sucks sometimes when you resonate with characters and you find out folks don’t like them. So some stupid part of my brain thinks “Oh…they’ll hate me too” WHICH I KNOW ISNT TRUE. But the thought is still there.

With the whole Fairshaw thing. I like that they’re older and finding love. Gives me just a crumb of hope that maybe things will get better.

Wrathion I know is problematic. But growing up in an abusive household I just liked that he was such a “Oh screw this I’m getting out of here” at first when it came to the red dragonflight. And he still realizes parts where he messed up and is trying to make up for it. Been thru that when I was figuring out “ohhhh…it was the trauma making me do these things” with therapy.

Meh. Just meh.

I like what little I’ve seen of Fairshaw.

Wrathion is a weird situation and I’m ambivalent on it. Really mixed feelings. I like the idea of them having a cute innocent friendship that might bud into something more but not anything lewd.

By human standards he’s a six year old. However, an argument could be made that he may pass the harkness test.

In Classic we had a whelp named Awbee that you could do a quest for in UBRS.

In WoD he was a house sized dragon.

Blizzard had said that each expansion has a year in lore time. This means Awbee grew from hatchling to house in five to six years.

Wrathion hatched in Cataclysm. It’s been six expansions since he hatched. Soo if Blizzard was sticking with the same rules as the other whelp, Wrathion should be a house sized dragon at this point and arguably of age for his species.

Fantasy aging is so weird.

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I hope they just stay friends tbh (if they’re even friends anymore after Wrathion got Anduin’s dad killed).

Reminded of this tumblr post: