LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

As much as I enjoy this place it also seems to have the negative addition of basically putting on a bullseye on us to have daily trolling. It was to stop the LGBTQ+ troll threads but those do still pop up and everytime we start to post and make this place relivant, some enraged by our existance religious wackjob comes in to start harassing.

So annoying. It seems people just cant seem to live and let be…
Well anyways I gotta get to work tonight. I hope you all have a fun and safe night.

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Basically when trolls start stuff here. They get an all expense paid trip to somewhere else. They don’t come back. Or if they do they take a few more trips until they give up or get a thousand year vacation.

A smart troll realizes it’s unwise to post crap here. Only foolish trolls that just can’t control themselves come in here.

This thread once got locked and removed from the general forums.

I asked about it on the cs forums on a random alt and was told that it was being cleaned out and that it would be back.

And it came back within an hour with the bad faith behavior cleansed.


I struggled with this in college, as I went to a predominantly liberal school. I was raised to respect everyone, and I also unfortunately picked up saying “man” after addressing equals. It took time, but I changed the way I spoke. It wasn’t a big deal for me, as I try to live my life as amicably as possible.

Honestly, in my mind at least, I couldn’t care less how people identify, so long as it’s not harming someone else’s existence in some real way. I’m pretty passive at this point in life to non life-threatening matters. Not to say that this matter hasn’t spiraled into some inappropriate territories, but what doesn’t do that from time to time?

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Thats true but it does become a rinse and repeat mental drain that is disheartening.
They do get a vacation and its good it weeds out bad behavior individuals. I guess I am just having it get to me and getting a bit jaded. Lol
On the topic of the new class though I am really interested to see the push and hold power up mechanics implemented into healing.

The mix of druid and crono healer from what the short talk sounds interesting! I wonder if it will be like rdruid but more reactive rather then proactive as I’d rather heal damage then try to play psychic and prehot b4 damage xD

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Now imagine a scenario where you didn’t do that, what would have then happened to this topic

Someone putting pressure on them to bring it back is part of what resulted in it coming back

Pretty much every day, at least some of us, somewhere have to fight for the right just to exist in mainstream society

Well said.

I don’t want ppl to be in chains if you aren’t an awful person I.e. can’t use this word, serial bad man, crap like that. I want you to be who you are. I still struggle with this tho.

I wanna be a bear legit. I’ll never be one. I think sometimes it’s healthier to accept what will never be. I could be wrong and I could change my mind. That’s the cool thing about growing and evolving.

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I wanted player housing


I would have made a new one.

Good thing I’m for fite.

My housemates’ husband has always had a deep spiritual connection to coyotes. :wolf: He’s in the same boat as you.


Ion did confirm they weren’t planning on adding it this expansion. But I always keep 2 things in mind:

That they’ve gone back on their word before, and also…

He acknowledged that it’s something that takes multiple expansions worth of development cycles to properly impliment.

That does give me hope that, whenever they do impliment player housing, it will be done right instead of making it a throwaway feature like Garrisons were.

Or maybe it’s the hopium.



Outside of this thread/conversation, I could have an entire rant about this with the current status of the world lol. That discussion would not be well-received on these forums if I attempted to have it. Mostly because my intent most likely wouldn’t properly translate through text.

I can see the merit in self realization, for sure. I think it’s an integral piece that’s necessary for growing as a person, but some unfortunate people somehow get derailed into the stages of grief, and never leave denial.


Beautifully written.

I wish most souls well, not that one crazy leader from Russia and ppl of the like found peace and purpose.

I look around and my heart grieves with all the crap there is.


Yes. Though I relate more to peacocks :peacock: than to cat :cat2:.

But if you think about it, a :peacock: is just a big fat feathered :cat2:.

Cat goes meow meow meow meow.
Peacock goes meowmeow, meowmeow, meowmeow, woh.

Cats likes to sun themselves.
Peacock likes to sun himself.

Cats groom themselves.
Peacocks groom themselves.

Cats hang out in trees.
Peacocks hang out in trees.

If you praise a cat and tell them they’re pretty they posture like, “yes, I know.”
If you prove the peacock and told him that they’re pretty they will posture like, “Yes, I know.”

They’re similar.


Broke your own rule while creating a thread…

I find this comparison fair and accurate in my experience.


When people see the world through a rigid and antagonistic mindset then anything that goes against their understanding of the world seems like a direct threat. When people take on a more inquisitive and experimental mindset (with the intent to evolve, develop, and improve things) then things are a lot more constructive and efficient because there’s also a knowing that we make mistakes and it’s okay to be corrected to improve our understanding of an ever-changing world.


So I joined a greek org at University and they have a song. One of the lines talks about slaying a horde. I love the group but it’s very slightly awk.



Them awkward Horde main feels lol


You know what must be done.

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