LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“I’m not sleeping. I’m just… resting my eyes…”


Actually the first strain was traced to the pacific northwest in the US.

I’ve seen literal minutes about that watcher, don’t know his name, don’t know his deal but what I do know is that I would do anything for him and pay any cost to keep him happy and alive.

I cannot wait.

I’m literally buzzing with excitement for the furbolg in this expansion.

I’d almost say its 50% of the reason I’ll buy the expansion.


Real talk, those watchers were animated so freaking well. They move around so stiffly, they feel like statues.

I think it’s really cool seeing the animators trying new ways to make the characters express themselves in all kinds of different ways.

The dragons were so lively in comparison. I am stoked.


You just can’t bear it, can you?

You couldn’t bee any more excited.


I walked right into those…

Pawed my way into them you could say.

Perhaps mauled by my own carelessness.


Sleeps harder than a druid escort quest in classic smh. The sword that shall not be named didn’t even wake him


I might have missed a post or two in the other one (assuming the link I clicked on was indeed the correct link), but at first glance, I didn’t see anyone there talking about what happened in the live chats

So, there’s also that difference

His name SHOULD be Cory. As in he has a stone CORE.


I’ve seen some call him Ted.

Others Chadysseus.

I think blizz did mention his actual name but I can’t find it to confirm.

I like Cory.

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This expansion feels really good for adding another allied race also. Got all kinds of old races in the isles.


I don’t really find that “different”. Talking about the LIVE Chats is still talking about the game, IMO. Or, at the very least, what’s going on within the company/reactions to announcements. The main point I was making is the attack on this thread is because it’s titled “LGBTQ+” compared to the other lounge thread (which serves the same function and/or purpose as this one) does not, but they both function the same way. They’re “lounge” type of threads that have no specified in-game topic, but it’s allowed to be discussed and then they veer off into “off-topic” areas that have nothing to do with the game, at all, whatsoever.

It just seemed like a cheap shot to undermine the intentions of this thread, when there’s another “lounge” type of thread that functions the exact same way. I just really don’t see such an off-scale difference between the two the threads to 'cause such petty drama in wanting to shut down one over the other.

I was calling him “one rocky boi” but Cory is good too.

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His official name is Koranos. He seems to be referred to as Watcher Koranos.
Steve Danuser confirmed it in a tweet:

Though when watching the cinematic itself, I shamelessly called him Rocky.



Tuskarr seem like they have a bit of focus.

Furbolg getting some love.


I’m excited to see if anyone else shows up during it.


Soooo… the one topic we apparently do have, that DIDN’T get locked / deleted the very next day, to express support for LGBTQ+…

… is now also seemingly in danger of getting shut down, like other topics calling out the vicious transphobia that occurred just yesterday.

Yikes, but not surprising :roll_eyes:

EDIT: I don’t mean to be an alarmist here, but after recent events from phobics yesterday, I have witnessed a heavy push (from trolls posting the vilest hate I’ve seen in a while) to get topics locked / deleted; despite that, I’m HOPING this topic gets to stay open.

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they’re gonna be like the BfA turtles helping you save all the geckos and baby dragonoids as they climb the tree and make their way to the top lol

Old Gods… you’re right aren’t you…



Went to an LGBT friendly hair salon today. My hair stylist was super friendly. No judgemental looks or anything bad. She even suggested other masculine hairstyles for me in the future. It was nice :’)