LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Not a fan of the new class being locked behind one race that is unappealing to most and is also a race that only has one class but idk. It just feels like a giant waste of resources to me and a giant limit on the playerbase.

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I am having to think of a suitable name for my new main, timey-wimey lifey-wifey dragon healer person

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Wouldā€™ve made more sense to just have an Evoker class that any race can be, and the race you pick determines your Visage form.


So, you think that itā€™s wrong for a straight person to be proud of their sexuality? Please stop digging friend, weā€™re on the same side.

When someone in a dominant group wants to wave their flag itā€™s supremacy, not liberation.


Having pride in something, isnā€™t dominance.

Edit: Youā€™re talking about:

That part I think


Had to pop inā€¦
So my enthusiasm for my sexual identity is somehow a indicator of my acceptance of my brothers and sisters who want to declare their sexual identity? Really? Can you claim others are intolerant and be that intolerant at the same time?
From my experience you do not represent the vast majority of the LGBTQ+ community. None of my friends care that I am straight or that I am happy about it.

I love one rocky boi so much.

Heā€™s stone. Heā€™s swole. Heā€™s stalwart. Heā€™s dutiful. He goes above and beyond to stay true to his promise.


I believe context is the deciding factor in all situations, personally. It becomes easy enough to tell who is using certain aspects to troll, once youā€™ve seen it enough

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Some people are a bit mad that the cinematic wasnā€™t an action sequence and was a bit more mellow but I think itā€™s fine personally. Donā€™t always need a shot of an intense battle. This expansion feels like an attempt at a MoP 2.0 which Iā€™m all for.


Overall, Iā€™m looking forward to Dragonflight. The zones look like places I want to be. Same with the theme. Nothing could get me into playing Shadowlands on a regular basis. Here are a few thoughts on the upcoming expansion.

  • I hope we get to meet that stone guy and learn his name. Itā€™s interesting how you can become attached to a character so fast. Definitely happy Alexstrasza saved him.

  • Read that there are Centaurs, Furbolgs and Gnolls. Iā€™m excited to see their new models, presuming there will be. Canā€™t imagine them plopping something so dated looking into a brand new expansion. lol Itā€™s also pretty cool to further the lore since itā€™s been so long since any of them were relevant. I wonder if the Centaurs will have bodies like the updated horse models. :thinking:

  • The dragons we will be able to customize. I like two out of the 4, but I donā€™t love them. The Stormdrakes from Legion are still my favorite. Hopefully with customization I will be able to make something more to my liking. Itā€™s a neat feature, for sure. Also, the scaling better be on point because some clearly donā€™t look big enough for larger characters.

  • Flying. I hope we will be able to use our old mounts. Also, not thrilled with the idea of having to really control my flyer. While flying is a big part of the game, I never wanted it to become a game mechanic. Blizz hasnā€™t earned my trust to not think this could be a corrupted gift. We shall see.

Iā€™m kinda excited and honestly interested in this expansion. From the trailer for BfA, which I never watched all the way through :joy:, to Shadowlands, the story or the world we were playing in simply didnā€™t interest me. Hopefully Dragonflight will remove the bad taste thatā€™s been in my mouth for so long.

Apologies if I donā€™t respond soon. Iā€™m ducking off to actually do some work. :sweat_smile:


Very that. I was talking to my partner today and said that after seeing the interview + cinematic, itā€™s the most itā€™s given me hope in a looooong time. Fleshing out professionā€™s the way they have is dope too

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It looks a lot like someonesā€™ second life avatar.

I RP a bronze dragon alt who started as a whelp. Iā€™ve had him since like MoP so heā€™s old enough now to be bigger. So I might rename the toon and make a dargun with his name.

Heā€™s named after a magician or fortune teller. IC he hides his bronzeness and does rune reading fortune telling.


God dammit. Am I the only one who creeps still when things keep going on the forums?! :eyes:

Iā€™ve dealt with gaslighters and abusers intimately. One of my personal favorites is when gaslighters accuse you of gaslighting. /s

My favorite course besides art in college was psychology.

Itā€™s just very sad.

As far as the cinematic, tell me it wasnā€™t heartbreaking when stone boi realized his boos werenā€™t gonna wake up. No thatā€™s just dust in my eye.

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I donā€™t think theyā€™ve revealed the new furbolg model yet.


Neat! Thanks! :smiley:

Edit: I have to know what that animal is to the right, as you face them. Could that be a new bear model? :hushed: :heart:

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I love those gnolls.

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Oh it sounds like you have to :stuck_out_tongue: your bronze dragon RP can be fully realised!

My dragon will have to be blue, being objectively the best colour in existence, of course :smirk:

Iā€™m going to scour some of my library for names methinks. 99% sure itā€™s not going to be a silly name so Iā€™ll want something I can stick with. Iā€™m notorious for deleting level 60 toons and relevelling because I donā€™t like their name/race or something, so I must be careful :stuck_out_tongue:

>called a ā€˜watcherā€™
>told to watch the dragon isles
>immediately goes to sleep for 10k years
idk man


Maybe he just makes watches.