LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I’ve never played it.
Would you say its worth a modern gamer checking out?

goes to check
ah. 2001 so I was 11. Yeaaaaaah I was a teensy bit too young for some of themes in that game lol. And I didn’t really get over my fear of horror games until Resident Evil 4 came out. I remember watching my cousin play it and I asked him if I could try it. Normally I’d be too much of a chicken but that game is just such a nice entry point for horror imo.

Of course. Just avoid the remaster collection. Fans are working on a high quality remaster of Silent Hill 2 which looks nice. And Silent Hill 2 is off doing its own thing story wise compared to 1 and 3. ( The 4th game is sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly off doing its own thing too but SH2 is just off in its own bubble )

A lotta fans didn’t care for the American Silent Hill games. Homecoming and Downpour. But I liked Homecoming. Downpour was just ‘meh’

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The only things I know about silent Hill is its a horror game, it has tank controls, there is pyramid head, and one of the endings is a shiba on a computer.

Its been several years but I did complete resident evil 1 in under 3 hours to unlock the rocket launcher.

Is it anything like that game?

The question here is really can you handle the graphics being a bit dated? Like rosen said a high quality remaster is being worked on by fans and you should avoid the remaster collection. The biggest reason I see many pass on it is because of the graphics being so dated unfortunately.

Oh yeah easily
Lots of great games look horrible
Its about how they play

I guess I meant more I’m used to modern conveniences

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Eh they’re close in some things if you compare RE to SH.

Silent Hill is just more psychological stuff when it comes to horror. But yeah they’re both survival horror.

It’s just tricky to talk about because there’s stuff in the Silent Hill series that reaaaaaaaaaally aren’t safe for the forums.

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I get annoyed when folks say the voice acting in 2 is bad. ITS SUPPOSED TO SOUND WEIRD. ITS MEANT TO BE LIKE WHEN YOU’RE DREAMING AND THINGS SOUND OFF.

( example for Moritz )

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I get why some come to that conclusion though, bad voice acting and badly written lines in gaming used to be extremely prevalent in gaming. It’s easy to assume.

I searched the PlayStation store and the HD collection is the only version on there.
But it’s available for ps now members and I am one so its free.

Should I check it out or avoid it?

And yet fans had to fight tooth and nail just for the remaster to have the original voice acting XD

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Yeah avoid the HD collection. That’s the one I’m talking about.

Best next thing would be an emulator


Having to jump through tons of hoops just to play classic games sucks. Kinda depresses me D:


Sony: emulation is haaaaaaaaard
Us: My brother in christ. YOU MADE THE CONSOLE

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Resident Evil and Silent Hill have some similarities but Resident Evil is more “in your face” horror while silent hill is psychological. Without getting spoilery Silent Hill touches on difficult topics like depression and loss and seeks to scare the player through atmosphere and takes a less is more philosophy. It’s a really interesting game and I think it’s a game everyone who likes the horror genre should at least try once. A shame you need emulation to get past buying the bad “remastered” version.

What is so bad about the remastered version?
I gave it a try tonight.
Didn’t get very far. Only killed the first enemy and got a wooden plank.

But it played fine

Yeah the closest thing I’d say Resident Evil got that could be compared to Silent Hill are the many cancelled games when they were trying to make RE4. ( Heck Devil May Cry and bits of Haunting Ground spawned from previous iterations of RE4 )

In one version of Re4, Leon is facing against a ghost. Or something of that variety. So this would mean a lot of mental shenanigans. Rather than the “Monster Movie of the Day” vibe from the series. With stuff like “Oh that’s a big scorpion, oh here’s a big snake, here’s some sharks”

Silent Hill meanwhile has symbolism up the wazoo

Originally it had new voices for stuff like SH2. And while they are good VAs, I never considered them really a match. ( Still. Hi Laura Bailey and Liam o Brien xoxo )

Also you see that fog in that previous SH2 vid I showed? Imagine that but with no fog. Because they straight up turned the fog off in some scenes so it totally ruins the ambience.

Unfinished assets, cancelled bug patches. Crunch. Konami gave the folks working on the remaster the “final code” of the games but there was a ton of stuff missing. Kinda why SH4 isn’t in the collection at all from what I remember.

So imagine botched source codes under a strict budget and deadline. Yeah its not gonna be great.


I’m wondering why is the horror genre more LGBTQ accepting then rest of the genres.

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I had the option of old or new voice actors.
I chose old to get the most authentic experience

I’m not very far, but the fog is about 3 or 4 steps in front of me.

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Oh I can totally answer that.

Horror is RICH with stuff that lgbt can relate to. Monsters to relate to while the world is making us feel like monsters.

Like I said it’s just in a few shots but it still annoyed the crap out of me.

Or how in one cutscene a characters teeth go from her mouth to the texture where her eye should be. Hello accidental nightmare fuel

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Another thing to note is that women have more of a presence in the genre, especially when it comes to games when compared to other genres. It’s an interesting phenomenon to be sure.