LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I can’t blame them. I adored that romance and that character on my play through.

I also know a few who went with him who are cishet men.

I know nothing about elden ring but I heard some boss voices and my brain was just the metal gear solid alert noise when I heard one of them because it was Dorian’s voice actor XD. Same thing happened in BfA with some of the Kul Tirans

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Wait! Dorian’s VA is in Kul’tiras?!

yup hes some kul’tiran npcs. You can totally hear him as some shop keepers


Excuse me I need to go back to Kul’tiras.

Simon Templeton is one of my favorite VA’s and he’s peppered throughout BfA as well as SLs.

Dorian’s VA is also a great VA and I love seeing these folk get roles in my favorite games.


Yeah I get all fanboy giddy when I hear Mary Elizabeth McGlynn in something. Back when Rosenivy was female I always pictured them with Mary’s voice.

If you played Silent Hill games you’d know her voice

Paranoid DJ did his own cover of this specific song for something Hazbin Hotel related so now I’m just picturing current Rosenivy with that kinda singing. He’s still working out his voice


Much love for all my LGBTQ+ friends and their allies, hope you all have a wonderful day and not let any trolls bring you down. :rainbow: :heart:


Bit late for that to be honest

So next week is pride week at my school.


Ours does a month of stuff in January since we aren’t in school for June. It’s mostly done by students though since it’s a serious business only type deal :expressionless:


Thank you for validating my gender identity.


I was about to ask what was wrong, but I can see the answer to my question.

Hopefully the forum vacation is long. Like forever.


Well I just home, showered, and doing my skin care routine rn but yikes at some recent behavior / comments, idk why this thread and LGBTQ+ people existing bothers some people so much


I love when people go full /r/AccidentalAlly .


Waiting to snatch a refurb drawing tablet so i can dabble a little more in art. I haven’t drawn much of anything in a long while, but taking higher level art classes were some of my best memories in school I’ve ever had.

Most real-world stuff I learned was from an art class.


Man I miss Silent Hill. I hope it returns someday. RE is cool but I love that psychological stuff. Also this will always be one of my favorite themes in horror

It was nice to see some silent hill in that uh. Whats it called. Dead by Daylight? I thought it was cool they went with the og Pyramidhead design. ( Sure the movie version is neat but sometimes the classic is best )

I remember watching a video about some game called Visage. There’s bits and pieces throughout the game that seem very love lettery to Silent Hill. Like a shot of monsters doing the poses the nurses do in the movie. Where they’re all frozen and jittery.

I remember thinking “Well SOMEBODY likes silent hill” then I found this and was like “oh.”


100%. It’s unfortunate that games playerbase is even more toxic than WoW’s.

LOL that made me actually laugh wasn’t expecting that. That’s neat.

I do miss silent hill. I never really got a chance to play the games when they recently cam out. Either I was too young or even if I bought a brand new copy it’d be unplayable for some reason.

And no I’m not buying the “remastered” series.

I did play a massive ton of Homecoming tho. I tried to like Downpour but eh. Least Homecoming was neat. Some of the boss designs are just chefs kiss

Usually if I want to get my fix of Silent Hill I watch lets plays. Altho I’m a smidge annoyed when viewers tell new players what to do say in silent hill 2 because they want certain endings to trigger rather than what the player wants. So many people go for the In Water ending that its a let down. Yes I know its the ending they did for the book version but eugh. I just like the ending where James leaves with Laura

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Same I was like 1 years old when Silent hill 2 came out.

Yea that’s always unfortunate. Back seat gaming is the worst.