LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I love how Nathanos is portrayed in the book. The way his facial features are described initially had me falling out of the chair.

I love Nathanos.
He is extremely insufferable.

But I love him.

My partner said he’d dump me if Nathanos was real. I mean, I wouldn’t blame anyone not loving Nathanos like that…

I’m hoping that more Nathanos content means that other forsaken can sport that goatee

I’ll take a pass on that for myself, I want to see more Valeera :heart_eyes:

I was excited to see her appear for the horrific visions.

Im starting to miss that patch.

Big same. The feeling of putting someone incredibly toxic on the ignore list and then typing in “Forever” isn’t one that’s easily beat :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I didn’t really like that patch for so much, but seeing her was a good thing

First off ew.

Second off same.

I do really like Quadrin and Thiernax’s stories.

We need more like them in wow.

Also more Shaw and Flynn.

Oh man, I do want Flynn badly. Even though for me, it isn’t something along the LGBTQ+, but with a man like that, the jokes will keep on coming and coming

I’m a fan of seeing more stories that follow closer to my own experience in life.

Seeing some manner of LGBTQIA+ characters spread around both would help with that and just bring a lot more light into the struggles of such folk.

I’m passing as heterosexual so I often don’t deal with a lot of the negativity my fellows face in life.

That said my hubby is trans and we regularly find ourselves in little scares that the wrong person will use that information to harm us.

We shouldn’t have to worry about that but that’s reality.

My hope is to see games across the board being more sensitive and careful in integrating these stories so people can stop demonizing us and instead treat us as people.


That actually I do agree with completely, about the stories.

But honestly, it is more of whether games will get across that board or whether all these Anti LGBTQ people will stop acting like it is a bad thing for these sort of things.

Altho I wouldn’t mind lgbt villain characters if the lgbt part was just like a fun seasoning to a character rather than the “oooo they’re the villain BECAUSE they were born part of the lgbt” like hollywood has done for ages.

Lemme get more disney villain songs but with lgbt vibes like Be Prepared. Cmon


Honestly, I wouldn’t say as a villian to be honest, because then that is sort of saying that LGBTQ is a bad thing because they’re bad people. But they’re not.

It really depends on how its done.

I don’t want a character that’s lgbt to NEVER be a villain or antagonist because holy crap that’s boring. Buuuuuuuuuuuut I’m also aware of the reason hollywood back in the black / white movie days had HEAVILY queer coded villains. Because back then that was the only way you could mention gay men in a film. But scumbags back then wanted to bash gay people and still make movies.


Yeah, that is a valid point. But honestly, wouldn’t mind also seeing a Hero as well as a Villian.

But honestly, my partner is Bisexual. And my friends, all treat him like “a man liking a man is an extremely toxic thing”… Problem is, the world has been taught in many ways, through history and other ways, that LGBTQ is a bad thing, when in fact, it isn’t. Even down here in Australia, though don’t hear it alot, there is still attacks on this sort of thing.

Now, I choose to rather be on my partner side than my friends, despite my friends have always been on my side, but when it comes to people acting like that, I am against it.

Do not underestimate the power of games.

Games have played a huge role in the societal changes we’ve seen over time.

Do they always get it right? No of course not.

But media of an interactive nature is a powerful tool to normalize the things that should be considered normal.

Like that all people regardless of gender, race, sexuality, creed and even physical or mental ability deserve the same rights.

This is important.

I wouldn’t mind this either.

Sometimes LGBTQIA+ people can be bad. They’re just people.

Though I think we need more focus on the good overall, it’s not wrong to have a bad one once in awhile.


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I get ya. I just don’t want people to think we’re all pure beings or something. But again. I get your side of things too.

Again its like when hazbin hotels pilot happened and a whole lotta people got mad at how “problematic” angel dust was when I was over here just “FINALLY” because I was just happy to see lgbt rep where the character was just a total jerk. ( well okay total jerk is a bit much for Angel Dust. He’s complicated and that’s why I like him )

Folks were just mad that there was lgbt rep that wasn’t squeaky clean according to non lgbt standards.

It’s a dumb balancing act with representation. You don’t want to be monstrous. But you don’t wanna be completely pure either.

True equality is understanding that yes, even lgbt can be total jerks. Not monsters. Just jerks sometimes.


I remember a loooooooooooooooooot of not lgbt dudes were like “nah I picked Dorian as my romance, he’s awesome” in Dragon Age Inquisition and I was so beyond giddy to hear that.

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Well, I just rather everyone treat each other equally as human beings, and for some people to stop acting like somethings are the worse things on earth.

But this is just me, and I am only 1 person on earth

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And in case folks don’t know Angel Dust. I can’t share really a lot of clips of him because of language. But here’s a fansong that the creator of the pilot liked and complimented. So its a good sorta intro for him