LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Are you talking about universal healthcare?

Joe Biden is on record as being opposed to it.

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Well, this went to hell pretty quickly

So how about Flynn and Shaw?


Love those boys.

Shaws kinda uptight but Iā€™ll forgive himā€¦ He is in charge of spywork after allā€¦ I imagine heā€™s not the most trusting sort.

Especially after being tortured by the legion not long ago and losing his best friend.

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Corporatist dems like to conflate the good idea of ā€˜government provided single payer healthcareā€™ with the bad idea of ā€˜mandating everyone buy super expensive private healthcareā€™ by calling them both ā€˜universal healthcareā€™.

I mean, anyone would be a bit reserved after demon based torture and the loss of their best friend.

Poor Shaw. Iā€™m glad he found Flynn.

Youā€™ll get me in trouble for talking about politics again.

Shame. Shame on you for politics talk!


I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doingā€¦ lol

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Iā€™m not though. Someone asked me if I knew anyone that was trans. I answered the question and Iā€™m going to politely decline to continue going down the road of proving their identity to some random idiot on the WoW forums.

Believe me or donā€™t. I donā€™t care my dude, and the existence of my friend has nothing to do with any of my takes, be them good or bad. They are my opinions and mine alone.

Also lol @ you labeling me a conservative.

I can genuinely say that you seem like a pretty unpleasant and judgemental person and I donā€™t like you. Does that make me some sort of phobic? Am I allowed to dislike someone for the content of their character?


Blowing a perfectly good chance to use your TL3 gif linking powers, thatā€™s what.


All this shame is destroying me.


Yeah, that is true.

Yeah, lets drop the politics.

Apparently so according to him. I mean thatā€™s how these sorts of hateful people work. They slap labels on you to try to ruin your reputation or try to control what you say or do, while all the while denying all that and even throwing that right back at you and victimize themselves, or just claim ā€œanybody who disagrees is alt-rightā€ (Before ya know, alt-left didnā€™t do any crappy things themselves, nope. Sarcasm btw.)ā€¦ as well pretend their question is ā€œsimpleā€ when their being disingenuous. :confused:

Heck, they will even reach for people liking other comments because they want to control what you like and what notā€¦ ya-zues (jesus). :man_facepalming:

Iā€™m very sorry for you that Zandrae has chosen to be hateful towards you. You are correct that your friend is none of his business. And the same applies to wellā€¦ everybody. :slight_smile:


Very much this

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Old Godā€™s Iā€™ve failed!

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Donā€™t be sorry for me lol. I came into this thread looking for some interesting conversation with people of differing opinions.

I knew full well in the LGBTQ thread there would be ā€œthat guyā€ who gets super angry and hysterical and calls me a transphobe or whatever.

Bringing up politics in this thread is like eating a burrito before sex - a guaranteed disaster. Butā€¦it can be refreshing and interesting to read the opinions of people you wouldnt normally encounter, and sometimes you can learn something. Itā€™s not all bad.

I reject this idea that certain topics are taboo because people feel too strongly about them and canā€™t control themselves when discussing them.

I think the more that people just talk to each other about stuff the more we can all better understand each other and see that at the end of the day for the most part people just want to live their lives peacefully with dignity and respect.

You gotta be able to just ignore the trolls. If someone like Zandrae comes in super hot, try to understand that itā€™s probably because he has spent countless hours sparring with hard-core Trumpers and he legit doesnā€™t know how to engage with someone who holds no animosity towards him.


And thatā€™s fine, infact thatā€™s perfectly normal to do, have an interesting conversation with people of opinions that are different then your own. :slight_smile:

Though sadly, interesting varies for some people. :confused:

And quite honestly, those sorts of people will sadly never be satisfied.

Eww. But i agree. :laughing:

I think itā€™s mostly because of how people (who are allies too) quickly co-op it (gender identity, race, etc) to it being a political thing, i.e, making LGBT more or only associated with the left, whether it be calling people alt-right for disagreeing with even questioning some of them, or co-oping the two things together.

Because thereā€™s no possibly way that thereā€™s anybody whoā€™s LGBT and a conservative ā€¦right? I mean itā€™s not like their two separate things right? ā€¦ :laughing: ā€¦ right? :neutral_face: /s

Wellā€¦ iā€™ve learned to hate my side even more and make me take up more egalitarian beliefs even more. :face_vomiting:

Preach. :+1:

I disagree with that. People like that are not only chewing out the right wingers or anybody who doesnā€™t fall anywhere on the political scale, or doā€¦ but also the left as well for not being what they ought to think to be.

Iā€™m a liberal, but iā€™m not going to act like what Zandrae did because itā€™s completely counterproductive. I hate bigotry of any sort, and i do agree LGBT and all that, should be normalized and treated as such. But iā€™m not going to try to ruin your life if you disagree with me. They do not understand the simple concept of hatred, as in, it never stops there, much like violence. And trying to justify one sort of hatred being okay and the other not, is just silly. Hatred begets hatred after all.

And unlike them, i have faith in that people will change. Even to right wingers, or the people whom i absolutely despite and ashamed of being on the side i share withā€¦

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What I learned today is that this question:

ā€œDo you even know anyone trans?ā€

ā€¦is a trap and should just be ignored. If you answer yes, you will get flamed for having a ā€œtoken trans friendā€. If you say no, you will get flamed for not having any experience with actual trans people.

Itā€™s a lose / lose trap question that I now know should never be answered in mixed company.


Everyone done then?

Can we get back to the thread?