LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

What is your friend transitioning to?

I can see it now, the alt right megathread.

Yeah, looks like it’s headed in that direction lol

tbf I don’t think it’s just right wing politics they want out of the thread.

Whatever they want. I don’t care.

That doesn’t answer my question. You’d think that you would know your best friend’s gender identity.

The only actually far left view you listed.

Not a far left view. Moderate Democrats like myself that voted for Joe Biden support universal healthcare. We voted for Obama…why would we not support this?

Not a far left view. Moderate Democrats support this.

Statement of the President Joe Biden on the Senate Vote on Voting Rights:

“At the core of our democracy is a basic principle: the right to vote, and to have that vote counted. That principle was assaulted one year ago, when a violent mob attempted a coup seeking to overturn the will of the people. And today, in state after state, Republican state legislatures are engaged in an unprecedented effort to suppress the sacred right to vote and subvert the American bedrock of free and fair elections.”

Not a far left view. This is already starting to happen in Oregon.

Also not a far left view.

An excerpt from Joe Biden’s plan on prisons:

“… It also includes many other ambitious goals: decriminalize m-------------, eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent crimes, end the death penalty, abolish private prisons, get rid of cash bail, and discourage the incarceration of children. It even seeks to end policies that Biden previously backed — most notably, a sentencing disparity between crack and powder c-------- offenses that contributed to racial disparities in federal incarceration”

Not even close to far left.

Not even left.

Ah yes, I had forgotten Kamala Harris’ speech about how killing trans people is good.

You seem to not have a clue what you are talking about here.

If you want to bash American Democrats, you might want to first heed your own advice:

You never answered my question.

What is your “trans best friend’s” gender identity?

As far as knowing what I’m talking about, unlike you I actually have an education that includes political science and studies of ethical issues and I know all about what the right doesn’t support and thinks is extreme.


I do, and it’s none of your business. I’m not obligated in the slightest to answer your question, and I am perfectly aware that I didn’t answer it.

I don’t particularly think it matters what people want to identify as, so I choose not to engage in whatever stupid trap you are trying to set.

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Your school did you dirty if you paid that much for an education and still think that American Democrats don’t support Universal Healthcare.

Did you go to Trump University? Because not all degrees are equal lol.

Extending private property is not a far left view.

It sounds to me like you don’t know your “Best friend’s” gender identity.

This means that your friend is afraid to have that conversation with you, or maybe they’re an imaginary friend being brought up to excuse bad takes, like having a friend of the minority being discussed is often used by gross people to claim that they aren’t gross.

I didn’t bring them up, someone asked me if I knew anyone that was trans. I answered the question…yes I do.

If you don’t believe me I couldn’t possibly care less. Go on about living your life brother.

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If you had the reading comprehension of a third grader you would know I’m talking about views that the us conservative party (the extreme right) think are extremist views.

No. I didn’t attend your alma mater.

Now about this alleged friend’s gender identity. Are they a trans man, a trans woman, or non-binary? Demigender? Genderfluid?

Why are you so afraid of answering a simple question?


Liam O Brien out here breaking my heart EVERY critical role campaign.


Maybe they just don’t feel like sharing private information


No, you clearly stated that American Democrats were the “moderate right” and then went on to list all the things that “actual leftists” and not “moderate right” democrats like Joe Biden would support.

Maybe it’s not my reading comprehension, but your writing comprehension? You should ask admissions at Trump U for a refund lol.

Then they wouldn’t be bringing it up in the first place


Yet they shared this alleged best friend was trans but are afraid to say what type.

Isn’t outing someone as trans more of a private information thing than saying their gender?

I’m sure this “trans friend” would probably be thrilled to hear their conservative “friend” is using them to validate bad takes.


Their experience on the matter was questioned

I’m sorry you can’t properly understand writing. I was making two different points. One is the moderate left is actually the right.

Two, the far right believes that the listed things are “Alt left.” It’s good that you think some of the things listed would be supported by the “moderate” democrats, it means you have done some homework for your roleplay.

I have clarified that I was illustrating things that extreme right views as extreme.

Now, about the gender identity of that trans friend.