LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

My forum vacation is finally over. What’s going on in here?

…oh :eye::lips::eye:

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Yep. One of my best friends came out as trans. I never really made a big about it and we never really talked about it. We still just played video games when we hung out.

I lean left. The right has too many politicians that just blatantly lie to their constituents. I’m not far left but I voted for Biden and don’t regret it.

Which hate group are you actually refering too that you seem to think I’m apart off Zandrae?

Except for the people who has been toxic.

Well it’s sort of a toss up really if it gets 404’ed or not tbh, considering the author’s intention or how bad things get.

Plus, he’s expressing gratitude that it hasn’t been 404’ed… how that’s bad? Or make you think he wants it gone? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This isn’t exactly an “anti-LGBT+” thing to do, considering we both seen people who are doing exactly that (those who are allied mind) to those who they thought their being bigoted.

My question is how exactly can you tell they intentionally didn’t include it and that they just simply forgot? I mean sure, is kind of assuming the intentions without the proper evidence that draws that conclusion that they must be a morally bad person and doing morally bad things intentionally.

Sure, for that human warlock, … i don’t know how you can mistake a 2 for a T, so i’l give you that one.

Sure. Though this goes to everybody on anything really.

Chapelle from what can gather, is a comedian. I don’t think the stuff he said about the LGBT when he got up on stage and cracked jokes were meant to be taken seriously. Though maybe you’re talking about what he says off the stage. :thinking:

First off, please lay off this tired dismissal remark that serves no purpose but to demonize anybody without any discernible evidence that leads to having a certain political side makes you a morally bad person. Lest we forget that the left wing isn’t that much better either or just as bad.

Second, when you go around calling people transphobic, are you seriously expecting their reputation and potentially their livelihood to not be thrown into question or trouble?.. Why then you’re calling people transphobic then if you think being canceled isn’t real (by saying it’s an alt-right thing) then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And before you say “I didn’t say it’s not real”… please don’t, because that’s ultimately the purpose of saying “Oh it’s a ring wing thing” or similar to that. It’s simply discrediting it by assigning a label to it. Plus this isn’t even exclusive to right wing people, but with everybody even. Everybody has the capacity to be canceled in some shape or form, whether it be immediate or overtime even.

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And would they “cancel” you if you slipped up?

D…do you think Biden is left wing? Do you think Biden is far left???


No, she isn’t ridiculous and doesn’t spend her entire day on Twitter being offended. She would probably call me something equally or more offensive, we would have a laugh and go back to gaming. We are friends.

In American politics the democratic party is left leaning. Did you seriously not know this?

I’m not a full blown anarchist if that’s what your asking lol.

I think Grabbag is an Aussie. American Politics isn’t something we all know off here.

How are people not bored of talking about politics after so many years

Well now he knows

This one has a trans friend.

I wasn’t talking to you. In fact I have no idea how you dodged my ignore list. Back on it you go.


Right, so you get that it’s a lazy stereotype?

Lets see, didn’t quote to anyone, didn’t reply directly to the person, and posted it after me, so obviously you must off being talking to me.

Teach me oh master… Jokes. But actually, if the Democrates are left learning, then it kind of reminds me of the Australian Labor Party too, sort of left learning here. I think everywhere in politics will have there left.


Would you have preferred I reacted with:

“We can’t be friends anymore”

So you could’ve slapped your transphobe label on me and everything would be easy and simple? Sorry…life doesn’t work like that. If you want to make fun of me for having a trans friend be my guest.


The ALP is kind of like the Democrats in the sense that both of them have their charters written in English, that’s about it.

Either way, this probably isn’t the place to discuss this.


Honestly if yall wanna go make your own thread for this stuff you can certainly try.


I’m not stereotyping anyone. I am perfectly aware that trans people are humans like everyone else. Some of them are chill people that I would hang out with and some are annoying idiots.

Nobody should be defined or judged as a person based on what gender they identify as. There are so many more important qualities that people have. Some trans people suck, but none of them suck because they are trans.

Ya think??

Yeah I’m starting to suspect.

America has two parties.

The moderate right, and the extremist right. The later is so far to the right and pulled the Overton window so far to the right that the moderate right looks like the left and people who are actually on the left are considered extreme.

Actual leftists have these ideas that extremist rightists find radical:

  • “A study in one of the most expensive areas of the US found that housing the 1000 most chronically homeless people would cost taxpayers less than it costs to leave them on the streets. so maybe we can just end homelessness by, you know, giving people places to live?”
  • “The unalienable rights said to have been bestowed upon mankind by ‘the creator’ by the framers are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, so people should have the right to have their basic needs filled so they don’t die from infected teeth or treatable disease or end up in debt for a lifetime because they got a degree so they could pursue happiness in their dream career.”
  • “All citizens deserve the right to vote. End gerrymandering. Pass the voting rights acts.”
  • “We should adopt a Portugal styled approach to drugs, release all nonviolent people who are in jail for drug offenses and wipe their criminal records.”
  • “People working a job in jail deserve wages equal to those who do the same job outside of jail. Also end for profit prisons.”
  • “People should have agency over their own bodies.”
  • “The police should stop killing black people.”
  • “People should stop killing trans people.”