LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Just like that the left is blaming the right for their own screw ups.
Mits always like this.

I’m actually happy biden won who was suppose to help with student loans yet lied about that as well.

Keep trusting the fake news and soon we will be having 10 bucks a gallon of gas and food shortages as well.

All of which was not happening under trump

Well of course. He was happy to sell out our interests to any of the dictators he so admired.

Shame about the fact he killed so many people with a completely botched pandemic response, he couldn’t even do the easy right thing that might have gotten him more support in the election he lost.


I would’ve rather the botch pandemic responce under Trump than the botch Pandemic responce we had here in Australia… But now it seems to be better down under now than what it was previously.

All of which are just more lies.

He denied entry from China before the pandemic even hit and all the democrats were calling him racist and that he is overreacting.

Nanci pelosi even went to China town to sho how safe it is and toast people should bring their familes and enjoy their time.

Then quickly they shifted all the blame on trump even after they were the ones who were obviously failing.

ooo, so his blame china ineffective travel ban that didn’t stop people coming back from places where the disease was already spreaading?

Because a bunch of racist nitwits have been going off since then acting like attacking asian people will somehow make things better.

Man, I love when the qultists hope in and get all sanctimonious when they get exposed to actual info outside their bubble about how anything that doesn’t come out of the approved sources is fake.


Yeah I am sure the language he used and promoted had nothing to do w that right.

Anyways why are you promoting his takes in the LGBTQ+ thread?


The amount of hateful comments my grandma has heard bcz of the language used and promoted by him

Then multiply that across the country it’s not hard to connect the dots to why people say what they say about him that the poster in question is so upset about lol


Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people


Exactly, what is wrong with people who allowed a racist homophobic president get voted into office and not Trump.

Some people really don’t want love and peace.

I’m actually surprised that :orange_circle:man isn’t in gaol by now…

I mean common


There is literally nothing racist about what he saidin that video. He is stating facts and you don’t like it for some weird reason.

I mean, you’re not a fan of people stating the facts about Trump


You have stated any facts that prove he is racist.

Yeah there’s nothing racist about saying that Mexican-Americans are murderers and rapists.


Yes he is talking about the cartels and gang bangers. Which are very disgusting and filthy people.

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Hmmm, what about the time he claimed the Corona Virus as the “China Virus?” Yes, it originated from China, but if I were in Trump case, I wouldn’t exactly call it by the country of origins.

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Other than the racist discrimination that was proved to have occured at his order in a court of law?


There was no racism that took place in that court order. It was all business.

It was first discovered in China.