LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

hilarious, right up there with the Amy Schumer tier of comedy level right there.

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So Dave isnā€™t allowed to have a trans friend and speak about it?

He is forever a transphobe just because the alt left lgbtq said so?

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You are entirely capable of having LGBT+ friends and still manage to espouse a world view that is tilted.

Chapelle isnā€™t a comedian. Not anymore, at least. Heā€™s your golden goose because taking shots at certain topics (a la ā€œcurrent thingā€) somehow magically turned him into this supposed poster symbol for free speech.

Thatā€™s the real joke. Heā€™s not a commedian. Heā€™s an idealogue. A mouth piece. A puppet.

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Just because you and other alt left lgbtq members say he isnā€™t a comedian anymore doesnā€™t make it true, you know that?

Just admit you donā€™t like him because mainstream lgbtq people said he is a problem and should not be supported.

He is a comedian. He is making fun of views that you support, which is why you donā€™t find it funny. I bet if he jumped on the late night bandwagon of making Trump jokes, you would love him.


Thatā€™s a heavy accusation. Based on the fact that the only thing you know about me personally is that Iā€™m not a fan of Chapelle.

Thatā€™s a big stretch, and very disingenuous of you.

No, actually. But thanks for asking.

I am curious though. Which comedians do you find funny? What style of comedy do you like?

The fact yall even talk about chapelle means he did his job right Your outrages bring him publicity as a comedian and elevate his platform.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s that heavy of an accusation tbh.

Itā€™s not like I am trying to ruin your career by calling you a transphobe or anything.

I hate most standup comedy, itā€™s never been my thing. Growing up I thought Jeff Dunham was funny, but rewatching it now would probably be worse than the Minions movie.

Gabriel Iglesias. I think heā€™s good.

I mean, society already cares. All I have to do is file a grievance, or file a complaint with the deanā€™s office, or file a complaint with HR.

Even on my bad days I donā€™t engage in racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or antisemism.

If I unwittingly say something bad and someone lets me know, I apologize like an adult and stop doing the thing. I donā€™t double down or have a tantrum.

If people didnā€™t want to have their careers ruined they shouldnā€™t have been racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or anti-semitic in public.

They chose hate speech.
They face the consequences.

Why donā€™t people who are getting ā€œcancelledā€ stop being bad people?

I will never just get along with ethically bankrupt racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, and antisemites.


Lol you have all these labels locked and loaded to throw at anyone who disagrees with you about anything donā€™t you?

One day I hope you can embrace the humanity in people and stop trying to just slap a label on someone as an excuse to dismiss them.


The problem is that the people who claim racism, homophobia, transphobe and what ever else rarely go against the people they support.

For example: joe biden said ā€œif you vote for trump then you ainā€™t black.ā€ Extremely racist statement.

He wasnā€™t shut down, he actually became president. How funny is that?(not actually funny just ridiculous)

He was also a hardcore ā€œhomophobeā€ and was against gay marriage in his past. But as always he gets a free pass because he is a ā€œdemocratā€

You arenā€™t consistent and pick sides on who you choose to call those things. Which tells most sane people that you guys donā€™t really care about racism, homophobes and transphobes.

You just want to control the speech of those you dislike/disagree with.

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My friend Biden was just the better of two evils.

Now lets get off to actual LGBTQIA+ topics and hanging out again.


To misquote Jimmy Carr:

Choosing between Biden and Trump was like choosing a punch to the face vs a kick to the balls. Both are gonna hurt, but one was far more damaging to future generations.


Four years of Trump being called racist with no proof, but itā€™s ok for Biden to say actual racist things. Thatā€™s the point Iā€™m making. You just choose who to cancel based on who you like/support.

Also under biden Americans have to pay for it with increased inflation and gas prices.

You really have zero clue and are full of misinformation.

You know thereā€™s an actual court case he lost about him being racist in like the 70s or 80s.

And thatā€™s leaving out the blatant stuff thatā€™s been coming out of his mouth for decades too.

Only because the anti-american Republican party is doing their damnedest to wreck the country before the midterms. Have you seen how Abbot in Texas is committing economic terrorism by intentionally jamming up the supply chain at the border now?


Can I offer you an ideology in this trying time?