LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Gonna have to step in and correct you here

Well, can’t find the actual source of the origin of the first case anywhere around the world except for within Wuhan. It has to originate from somewhere though.

Telling subordinates that if he wasn’t there and potential black tenants came in to tell the the rent was double what it was is just business?

Marking tenant applications with a sign if the people were black so that they knew not to rent to them, again, just business?

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The first case =/= origin.

That’s like saying cancer originated in Egypt because that’s where the disease was first identified.

But honestly, does anyone really know where it really originated from?

Actually, I’m going to jump out of this topic, it is derailing a bit here, and I don’t want to derail this thread anymore than it already is.

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Oh right

It’s just business if you’re a racist. That makes sense.


Ah yes embrace the humanity in groups of people that want me dead even tho I am also a human.


He didn’t do it because he is racist. He did it to be successful in the business. You are thinking with emotions and not on facts and reality.

No. He did it because he and his dad are worthless POS racists.


Who wants you dead? Do you live in the Middle East or something?

Birds aren’t real, between 1959 and 2001 the US government wiped out over 12 billion birds and replaced them with surveillance drones.

Get bird-pilled.


Nope, perfectly logically. Your illogical racism apologia isn’t swaying me.

Plus, really, you’re spouting cloud cuckoo land conspiracy nonsense and act like I’m the easily swayed one. rich


It’s not racism. Racism would be if I don’t take a certain race regardless if they can pay their bills on time or not.

You are just virtue signaling hard I get it. You have a good heart.

But you have to think of it in reality and a business setting.

I’m guessing you haven’t seen this image:

This is undeniable proof of literacy, bombshell evidence.


It’s a funny world we live in when dr fauci himself helped spread covid but most of the left doesn’t know that, instead they think he is a good science man.

It’s a funny world we live in when the US government themselves spread bird drones, but most of the population doesn’t know that, instead they think birds are real.


And the silencing begins. I guess I’ll just be reported now and be accuse of racism.

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So, while not birds, do bats fall into this scheme in any way?


They’re rats with parts installed to cover night-time surveillance for when the bird cams don’t function as well


This makes too much sense