LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I had similar situations in high school since we were predominately white, and it was always the “I have an X friend of Y race” card lol

Eeyup. Again there’s some details to this I’m leaving out but again. It’s just because I’m trying to focus on positive things at the moment.

Its a “treat yourself” day you see


You need those days every once in a while! I get it :heart:


Altho I admit I’m also kinda just pigging out on these dumplings Mom got. Just plop them in the air fryer and gg.



this is weird to me.
everyone says he’s a comedian, but every video I’ve happened across is just him parroting the flavor talking point of the month. I’ve yet to laugh because he is simply not funny.

I’m inclined to believe people only like him because they agree with him… because he’s not a comedian.

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I grew up watching Chappelle’s Show, where he tackled society’s stereotypes through rough comedy sketches. At the time, how he acted (on TV) was considered acceptable. Times have evolved, but it looks like he has not.

I like Brandon Rogers style of edgy humor more. He plays characters that are just horrendously stupid so anything vile that comes out of their mouth is more a “lets laugh at the character being dumb” thing.

he also at least has an off button when it comes to that humor. Constant edgy is just annoying.

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I had to Google that name (am I getting old?) lol. I didn’t know he voices Blitzo!

He’s one of the greatest comedians of all time. No, I don’t always agree with him, but that’s not the point. His delivery and ability to sell you on a story is top notch.

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Yup he’s also a co writer in helluva boss and I just love it. Apparently Vivziepop saw folks drawing Hazbin Hotel characters to Brandons tea party skits so that got her attention. However I could be wrong.


I’m have to check that out.

Helluva Boss was great. Definitely a favorite of mine

Pity I can’t share my favs just because of the language.

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I adore Stolas. He and Blitz are perfect for each other, but they are both broken. Seeing that last episode made me tear up. Did not expect it to get that real so fast

I do appreciate seeing more “problematic” lgbt rep as folks call it these days.

We’re not all squeaky clean and I guess I just like that Vivzie is well aware. I remember folks got mad about Angel Dust and a whooooooooooole lotta lgbt practically went

I do wish Stolas and Blitz the best and do hope they end up together. But oh boy they both got a ways to go before that lol.

I also can’t wait to see more Fizz and Asmodeus. I freaking love those two so much


Tbh it makes them both extremely relatable. Not everyone goes through those kinds of issues but some of us do, and to see it all out in the open like that is, in a way, quite satisfying.

Moxxie and Millie are the ideal, but almost everyone else has their vice.

Being demons, i feel like it plays really well into the theme. They aren’t angels, that’s for sure. And yet, I can’t help but feel that it reflects real life so well.

And yes, Fizz and Asmodeus are just adorable.
I can’t wait for the next episodes.

He did a special “Sticks and Stones” where he told some LGBTQ jokes and the T’s got real mad. It was a pretty funny joke, and TBH more made fun of white people and white privilege than it did trans people. Anyways, the T’s were furious with Chappelle and came at him on social media, which only made him make more jokes about them, and it kind of spiraled out of control.

If you are super PC I’m sure you would be appalled and offended by his special, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Anyways, the more people got triggered and tried to cancel him, the more jokes he told. In the end, one of his comedian friends who happened to be trans was defending him on Twitter and got harassed by a bunch of her own community to the point where she killed herself (I’m sure this wasn’t the only cause but it definitely didn’t help), and Dave has since said he is done telling jokes about that community until they can be sure that everyone is laughing together.

Anyone saying he played the “I knew a trans person” card is being disingenuous. If you watched his most recent Netflix special it is quite clear that he was legitimately friends with this trans comedian. She opened shows for him in SF when he was in Cali, and he was helping her to work on her stand-up.

He told a story about him and Paul Mooney and some of his other comedian friends all staying up late one night after a show just hanging out in the back room laughing and smoking and drinking and asking all the inappropriate questions you would never be able to ask in a different setting, and this trans comedian was giving them answers in a super funny way, and that’s when he realized this person had potential to make it as a stand-up artist and that he would help her. (despite bombing her first show)

If you actually watched the special it wasn’t a message of hate, it was just…laughing at the hilarious predicament of someone being stuck in the wrong body while also mocking white privilege amongst the LGBTQ community…which absolutely exists in some cases.

A lot of conservatives latched onto Chapelle’s anti-cancelling message out of actual hate, but he isn’t Republican. He is like me…a Democrat. Just because you are a Democrat doesn’t mean you agree with everything that the far-left pushes. I enjoy his comedy, and I will continue to watch it. If you don’t like it, you are free to change the channel.


Call them out all you want. Society will micro-care about your micro-aggressions.

Yup, so don’t take the bait.

Sure, but we are all crappy people on our bad days. Human beings make mistakes, we have regrets, we are imperfect beings. Nobody is digging through your tweets from the past 20 years to see if you ever said anything that could offend anyone…maybe we all just need to chill and cut each other some slack and we could all get along better? Did anyone ever think of that?

I mean Chapelle and J.K. Rowling were able to ride out the wave of triggered screaming people because they are giga-famous, but others haven’t. Careers have absolutely been ruined and people lives have been destroyed by cancel culture. Some of them deserved, some of them undeserved.

Lol what? If being cancelled isn’t a thing, and it doesn’t actually accomplish anything, why don’t you stop trying to cancel everyone and we can all just get along?


That is honestly the most Dave Chappelle thing that he could do lol.

I can see why someone would get offended by what he said, but I believe these are also the same people that never heard/saw his previous content from the early 2000’s, where he was simply trying to acknowledge what’s going on in society, and he did so through his outlet–comedy.

I will say though, I do rather like this quote: “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?”. I can see how this statement can be taken entirely wrong when out of context, but it’s more so meant towards extreme cases.

“I just had a thought, that I want to share with you. When you add the cooling to your Furry Suit, put it in the back. All blood flows through your spine area, so that can help cool the whole body best.”

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