LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“I am definitely coming to YOU, if I need any advice on Furry Construct. You are very good.”


Oh I have had that happen a while back and had to give up on an otter I was making due to discontinued fabric. Atm I have a resin glow in the dark wolf skull I want to make a spoopy Halloween costume. Something like the tailypo ghost story give him long claws and black whirly long fur

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haha I appreciate the comment but I assure you I am still quite the novice. I just have alot of time to tinker when I get bored of playing wow for a few months xD


“That is how I got started. I hated the costumes you bought at the stores, on Halloween, so I decided to try making my own. That was back when I was only 13. I am 64 now, and have had a lot of years to practice. Don’t ever stop, you have some serious skill there.”


I wish I had a pick of me standing in it because the feet on the whole think are about a foot of stilts digigrade legs. A bit challenging to walk in. Was halloween at my job when I worked retail xD


I think the whole thing sewn by had took me 8 or so months to finish but I had fun. My nephews loved it and always ask if I can make them a wolf costume which is hard because kids grow so fast they would outgrow it so fast. All 4 of them grown too quick.

I will do my best to maintain creating and trying new ideas for sure! Been brainstorming how to implement animatronics or digital eyes but lord knows I am clueless when it comes to programming and engineering robotics LOL


“You’ll figure it out. You have a very creative mind.”

“Currently, I am working on learning how to make fairy wings that actually open.”


This is amazing stuff.


It’s been temporarily 404ed because of those types. The mods took it out of public sight and cleaned it up. Then they restored it.

Now I’m going to reply to the troll who intentionally left the T out of the acronym, indirectly so they don’t come back to respond with more trolling.

Hate speech, including masked hate speech and micro aggressions like intentionally leaving the T out of the acronym should be called out.

Microaggressions and hate speech are intended to poke and prod a victim into “overreacting” so the bad people of the world can point out how unreasonable the victims are for speaking up. To try and turn public opinion against the vulnerable.

The whole, “oH tHeY aReN’t BeInG cIvIil.”

The JK Rowlings of the world. The Lilys of the world, the people who intentionally forget the T deserve to be called out. Especially if they are dehumanizing their victims, which makes it easier for bystanders to morally disengage and enact violence against the victims.

Being scorned, called out, protested, boycotted, dropped from contracts, and so on is the consequence for being a crappy person. If you don’t want to be cancelled, don’t be a crappy person.

If you don’t know enough about a subject to know what is acceptable, then you should learn before issuing a public opinion. We’re on the greatest collection of human knowledge in history, freely available, at our fingertips, and it takes less than 30 seconds to look up the answer to almost any question. For example, people forgetting to put the T in LGBT+ when the acronym can be looked up is inexcusable. Remembering 4 letters isn’t hard. At all.

Is an objectively bad person who deserves the slack he’s been given. And yet he’s still around just like the British Queen of Transphobia (JK Rowling). This is proof that being “cancelled” is just an extremist right wing propoganda talking point.




I try animation at times too lol
Was inspired when I had nowhere to run in the path of shadow flame from the dragon in the N’zoth raid in BFA on my tauren hunter. Idk just silly stuff.


“Extreme right wing propaganda”

Lmao. Cringe.

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Ah its fun when characters evolve over time or just change.

lol Well, at least we can say it’s stuck around this long then :stuck_out_tongue:

Why? I’m aware of his comedy, but is that the main focal point for the Chappelle hate here? Honest question

He tried using the suicide of a trans friend he had as a “you cancelled her for being my friend and its your fault” spin to try and guilt the lgbt

Meanwhile the friends and family of this person said she absolutely would not be okay with using her death like that. I’m sure zandrae can explain it better

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Oh, damn. When it comes to media, I honestly disconnect myself from this topic overall. I know how I feel, and I know what I want to teach my kids, and that’s to be as accepting as possible, without compromising the welfare of others. That typically bodes well for anyone not wanting to harm someone else, and I’m usually in-line with most social issues in terms of rights

Yeah I’d explain it better but I just don’t have the mental energy for that nonsense.

He basically pulled the “I’m not a transphobe. I have a trans friend” card.

Anyway on a lighter note

incoherent rat dad noises


This hurts me.

I miss my rats.

I miss mine too. Least youtube is there if I ever want to see more cute rats.

I miss their tiny sniff sniffs

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