LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Good call. Wasn’t a fun read.


I’ve skimmed it from 400 onwards and its not actually that bad
Not stuff I agree with but not overly offensive either

I’m quite happy with how it played out considering how bad it could have gone

gee it’s almost like all the bad stuff gets deleted



Well I can hardly form an opinion on things that do not exist can I?
I will not blindly assume things were said and were deleted either

I see this happen every time someone tries to make a thread other than this one.

It’d be foolish to think “well maybe people behaved this time”

The fact it was locked was proof enough and I ain’t subjecting myself to whatever nonsense resided there

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I’m not saying to read it
There certainly is debate

Just nothing I found more offensive that you’d find in an episode of family guy.

that was said about trans people 4 hours ago for some perspective.


So you got mad at me for how I “told you how to react to something as a trauma survivor” in one thread then you go on to tell me what not to be offended by as a trans person?

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Not at all.
Not even in the slightest
I gave my opinion on some text I skimmed saying it wasnt that bad.
If I missed stuff its very possible.
I skimmed. But I made it very clear.

And no offense but you don’t even get to have an opinion on what was said since you said you refuse to read it.

You cant not see what is said and then get upset by it. It makes no sense. You literally have nothing but assumptions.

That is really messed up.
I didnt see that one but jesus.

No the world will not be better or worse without trans people because they are just people.
The whole body thing aside, a trans person is just a person.
With thoughts and ideas just like a person.
If they like their body or not does not change that.

What do they think trans even means?

That’s not even the whole post. That’s just a part of it.

I’m sure
As I said, I skimmed what was said.
Skimming isn’t really reading so I’m sure I missed a lot

That was said in this thread.

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If it was, then no matter how awful it was, it has little to do with this conversation

So I’m on break from jailer prog.

I’m trying to understand what is going on.

It looks like you, a cisgender gay guy who isn’t a regular in this thread, or the thread earlier, or any LGBT oriented thread, is questioning the need for this thread because you are oblivious to the nonsense that goes on.

Three minutes after your post, since you didn’t get a response, you in your infinite wisdom went and made a thread to prove us wrong. Right after there was a big drama thread where a good number of the grossest people likely got sent on vacation.

All the while you are missing the point that your experience is different from others both irl and on the forums because we all have different identities, live in different parts of the world, and even view and participate in different threads so your experience or lack of experience with hate does not by any means negate ours.



No I went to get my own data
Huge difference

Can’t confirm or deny any of that
If I didn’t see it and it was removed I can have no opinion

That was never the point I was trying to reach
I was seeing to what extent it was an issue.

If 1 in a million had a problem then its still a problem but hardly wide spread

I wanted to ask for myself

Hi. I was there, I saw the horrid ish people were posting in there. It happened.
Have you considered maybe not opining on the problems after it has been dealt with and deleted by the mods?


I got my first reply I was upset by

why are you not posting in the LGBQT forum? It was made for you, but I guess rules don’t apply to you.
I’m not the least bit interested in hearing about your chosen lifestyle drama in my video game, or any video that also has children playing in it.

I literally did not start the discussion so no
You have no point here

You made a bad thread that’s just going to cause us grief.



Nobody outright says they are homophobic mate, people aren’t dumb and know that will get them silenced. Usually it starts with them claiming “I don’t care” and devolves from there if debate is being had.


Because I wanted my own answers?

And let me know when you see the grief