LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Its funny people are rude to lgbt then go “WHY DO YOU ALL JUST WANNA TALK AMONGST YOURSELVES?!?!!?”

LIke…geee bro. It’s a mystery that


Good luck with saying who’s allowed in your thread and what you have to talk about lol. I tried that before. They were quick to remind me “THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM AND WE CAN DISCUSS WJAT WE PLEASE”. I guess the concept of “derailing” doesn’t exist anymore

I’ve been supporting this thread since it was made because I do believe you all deserve a place where you and any of us that support you can talk . All those other threads had titles that were just pure bait and were of no help .


I got my second round of science juice and at first I was like “Did it even happen?” because I felt NOTHING from the shot but it’s been a few hours and it’s starting to set in so that’s…I’m going to go lie down.


Yeah, we’re not doing this here? This is a thread for us to talk with other people?

So like


“Ice the Shot Site. It will ease the aggravation.”

“May I ask you a question, out of curiosity? What pronoun do you use? I have been meaning to inquire.”
/shy smile

Happy Science Juice Day mate


“I have always liked this word. It easily can mean ANYONE, no matter the gender/sex. A truly universal term.”

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I know right? That’s how I treat the word “Dude”. But that’s just because I watched Good Burger A LOT as a kid. I have to remember sometimes “Oh wait some folks still see that word as masculine oops”

Such a versatile word

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“When I was in Australia, I noticed that people would correct someone calling them Dude, when they were female, but Mate always passed with flying colors. It was an interesting revelation.”

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I remember the first time I made a friend from australia. It took me a hot minute to learn “Ohhhhh the swearing and name calling is positive”


“I know!!! They are just so relaxed, down under. Free, Wild, and Relaxed. It was the best time of my life.”

Yeah. For folks that don’t know what I’m talking about. I swear a lot. Not on the forums obviously. But once someone is my friend for awhile they find out fast I have a sailor mouth.

Australians swear like. The instant they meet you so it’s like they skipped a few steps in the friendship to swearing ratio lol. That’s what threw me off at first. Also I was like 16. I was edgy but also ridiculously naive back then lol


Your character reminds me of Ronald McDonald LOL.


“I don’t swear much, myself, but I have learned not to flinch so hard when I hear some words. There are still a few that I wish didn’t even exist, but that’s me.”

“I was thinking more like Young Einstein. Ever see that movie?”

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Nothing much. Just about to head to sleep.


This thread is single handedly responsible for stealing all my likes!!!


“We take hugs too.”

No I getcha hun. You’ve got more than a right to feel that way. Honestly I was happy to see we got Pelagos as a first. He’s a character for sure, but we’re seeing somebody with potential for growth, and…I’ve got some hope for that.

Also, if you’re lookin for some more transmasc characters in media, She-ra tossed in a couple under the radar - and listening to the creators go over their different intentions for each character really gives a lotta depth to the people in there. I’d absolutely recommend taking a look into it.

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