LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Hi really quick - I just wanted to say that I love your contributions to the forums. You’ve got such character in your writing and it’s just really really neat seeing you on here. There’s a lot of care that goes into your responses - well, rather, it feels that way.

You’re absolutely amazing, and I’m happy to see you here! :relaxed:


Cyndilou lights up any thread


“Thank you both.”
/courtly bow
/shy smile

Your right he’s bad

Stopping by to say hi. :cherry_blossom:



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As I said elsewhere, my LGBTQ guild cleared two new bosses today. :tada:


we stan anduin glrl we all do here like blue sisters watch ou
Sorry I didn’t realize anduin died

Honestly, I would say the opposite is true. Much like the phrase “put your best foot forward”, I’d argue that ‘good representation’ should come first before bad. That’s not to say or deny crazier aspects of LGBTQIA don’t exist. Clearly it does just as it does with any other community.

But think about it like this:

If you’re trying to convince someone that LGBTQIA+ are the same as they are they are, you want to show a common ground then build from there.

It’s my biggest beef with media representation of any kind: they always show the most outlandish examples and ignore normal examples which are more relatable.

Examples: have you ever seen mainstream media portray a Pride parade that wasn’t filled with half-naked fetishists acting outlandishly but not show the LGBT Business Owner’s association?

I recall, honestly, despising Will and Grace because Jack was such a characature while Will was played as a normal dude who just happened to like other dudes. But guess who got all the press and attention?

And don’t get me started on Karen, either.

Point is, as someone who isn’t LGBTQIA+ (I have to use all the letters because someone will most likely drag me if I don’t), looking in from the outside: I can intellectually understand the community is vast and varied.

But if my first exposure to any community was a characature, I would turn away. And I’d hazard a guess, you’re much the same way.

Will and Jack can and do exist. But if someone were to throw Jack at me before Will, I’d throw them back and walk away.

Does that make sense? I hope it makes sense.


I think part of this disconnect is to consider who the representation is actually for.

I’m happy with Pelagos even though he’s not a very good character and even though his implementation is mildly problematic because any representation is good representation.

You see, trans guys have an invisibility problem. Overwhelmingly, when people think of transgender they think of transwomen. In fact, I went through my youth envying transwomen for being able to change because transmen were so invisible I didn’t know that they existed at all. The closest thing I had to representation as an emerging adult was Disney’s Mulan.

I spent most of my life feeling an unexplained profound feeling of wrongness with no explanation because FtM didn’t wind up on my radar until I was in my 30s and I met my first transitioned transguy.

Man if there had been any representation, even bad representation in the media I consumed from age 10 to age 30 it would have vastly changed my life for the better.

If Pelagos resounds with someone who might have been going through the struggles I did in my youth, then even as bad reputation he’s still helping and that’s great.


I’m such a small minority in saying I kinda like pelagos

Sure he’s a bit of a wiener, but considering everyone else me meet is fearless monsters, he’s a nice change of pace (plus the fact he keeps trying to push himself even when he’s scared is nice)


Truuuue but there are times where media is like that will smith meme. “Well he’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit”

Sometimes early representation is a tad off but that doesn’t mean it was made with any sort of malice. First attempts at dang near anything are going to be wonky but they have to happen in order for things to improve.

I don’t mind if you just say lgbt to be short. Doesn’t mean you’re excluding anyone.

Yet that show did a lot for us when it came out. I mean I’m more a Queer as Folk guy and even that show has some preeeeeeeeeetty problematic things lol. But they’re a product of their time so eh. Doesn’t bother me that much.

Euggggggggggh I hate that. I’ve had to explain that trans men are a thing to people because they just thought trans women were the only ones.

Oh Reflection still makes me cry like a widdle baby. Here you might like this

I was a blubbering baby when I first heard this with a male voice and no pronoun changes


You’ve got a really good point here - in and out of the trans community there is that visibility problem. I mean goodness even conversations regarding pro/against trans people don’t often praise/detract from trans men - from what I’ve seen all the big focus is on trans women, and just…ugh.
Like goshdarnit you guys are out there and you’re all bloody amazing!! And the fact - the bloody fact that Pelagos is ftm instead of mtf is putting it on people’s radar.

I feel you though, with the finding stuff out. Like the want is there for so bloody long but you just never know that like…you can do that. That you can make a move towards change.

There’s nuance to every situation - and that’s kinda why I feel like the representation thing’s real hard to navigate. Like…yeah, we’d all love some more good representation, but I feel like a lot of people just see it as a way to expose others to ideas. That’s one function, yeah, but it’s not the only one!
It’s also an amazing feeling to be seen, and…some people are uncomfy with that, for all sorts of reasons, and that’s more than understandable.
There’s also people who need it.
I don’t really have a closing statement for this. I just kinda hope everybody respects everyone else when it comes to this. We all get a tiny amount of rep as it is.

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Good morning/afternoon/evening team!

Sending positive vibes to my babes. What do you folks have on today?


Today is mythic keystone night.

I don’t want to do any but I’m a guild leader and so I need to drive participation.


I drew some concept art for more humanoid Qiraji - kinda going for like the evolutionary parallel kinda thing?

I’m running with the idea that humanity and other corrupted titanforged cultures are sorta like…the Void’s ideal. Even when they’re possessed they’re often just bigger and deadlier, with a couple more tentacles.

So in this case these Qiraji are indistinguishable from humans/dwarves/vrykul/gnomes at a glance, but they move very differently, and their bodies can morph into more forms more appropriate for the hive.

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Well you did feel the need to come complain about it and refer to it as special treatment

So, that could be part of it


“Good Afternoon, Friends! How are you all doing?”

I know it’s rude but I can’t help but go “Oh wow another trans woman in media” since transmen are so overshadowed.

It’s bitter of me but I can’t really help it it’s that bad.

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THis one was made so they could be left alone by people with your attitude.