LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Your attitude simply put. It’s the sort of that will do more harm then good since it’s just inciting hatred towards those who you claim to help by accusing what isn’t there or labeling people as such because they don’t think as you do.

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With that said…

Happy Trans-visible day or whatever it’s called. :+1: :rainbow:

I do love when people blame LGBT+ people and their attitudes for the behavior of hateful people.


It’s not just LGBT people my guy, that attitude is everywhere on everybody at anytime.

I mean you’re literally being hateful towards people now. Don’t you think maybe that’s counterproductive to your own group and this thread even?

I mean do you guys really need another Talonel speaking on your behalf? Plus, why you didn’t reply to me directly if you have an issue with what i’ve said?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit: Nevermind, i guess i am talking to a bunch of Talonel’s at this point… What a shame honestly that the LGBT community has been bought with this sort of hatred from these people like him and a few others… :confused:


I just like WoW story as silly as that sounds to say, and doing my own thing.

But I am openly gay and support LGBTQ+ players and storylines being introduced!

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I like storylines.

How goes the leveling process? Let me know when you have leveled up some so I can hoist you on my back and carry you through all the dungeons.


What about that Thiernax though :heart_eyes:

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Sure, i’m all up for it, but i don’t get it, what’s stopping LGBT+ players from enjoying the WoW story?.. :man_shrugging:

I mean apart from WoW team’s writing ability being so bad?..

I can never remember his name. I feel so bad.

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Many a Night Fae character of mine has enjoyed his company, darn good storyline imo

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I have a couple of those. But this expac doesn’t seem very alt friendly so I mostly just play Zan the pan man.

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why’d you name yourself after the gaping b-hole guy

I haven’t too much time the last couple days, I’m like a tiny bit from 39 and I have a bunch of quests to turn in too so should get me to almost 40 then I can get pop in and get faster flying

I’m thinking I’m gonna kinda go slow though to finish WOTLK loremaster. And I wanna take him through Legion for class hall stuff, there’s the azuna paragon mount hippogyph I feel like goes nice for him too

has it ever occurred to you that people make straight threads to troll or poke fun at lgbt related posts?

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I’m really bad, I’ve had everything at level cap… and I keep deleting toons that I want to remake :rofl: current/undeleted 60s I have about 11… deleted 60s included its like 40 :sweat_smile:

All I do is play BGs with the BF or level though :slight_smile:

They’ve done a lot over the patches to make it more bearable but yeah I feel this.

I think it’s the leveling that slows me down… Feels like it’s constantly holding back my ability to speed level.

  1. … I never did that shifty eyes

  2. Purely for the memes :stuck_out_tongue: plus, draenei are clearly space goats

I have multiple accounts because I do RP DMing in wow and a lot of times my NPCs become recurring and then I make avatars for them I’ve got like 90 toons at 50 or above. Couldn’t be bothered to level them all right now.

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Well that thread in particular that Yulicilla was referring to, is just trolling.

To make a blanket statement like that to suggest that all straight threads are trolling or poke fun, you should back that up with something. Lest we forget that some of the LGBT threads were created in that intention too. Remember Ralph? :man_shrugging:

As i said before (And sadly ignored), while it’s not fair, it is understandable why they take them down because threads like that, decreases the urgency of the LGBT’s.

I’m not too sure what DMing is (unless it’s Dungeon Master, like DnD?)

However, I’ve had the tingle to try RP for a little while. Only like… light stuff, I think it could be some silly fun xD I’d be the idiot annoying everyone with my lack of RP experience though which holds me back, not keen on ruining others time just to see if I like it :slight_smile:

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