LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I don’t think I’ve got to that story yet bht I’m excited to! I think(?) I finished the Venthyr campaign mostly on one character and that’s kinda it I tuned out of SL

But I kinda like that someone pointed out to me that Lanesh who is a BE who has had blue eyes for far longer than the option has been returned to us looks like he is in Scryer clothing, which might suggest he’s an OL High Elf which may suggest OL HEs reconnect w their kin or have an interest in doing so seeing as they didn’t have the choice to take the name Blood Elf. So I decided I wanted to make a Paladin w that more or less vaguely this characters background, I’m kinda just off doing my own thing atm idk too much about SL stuff

You what?

How’s that work!? That sounds amazing!

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Yes. Like D&D.

In other news I took a few neat photos the other day.


sorry, i don’t feel like debating with people who willfully try to muddy the waters with this whataboutism.

Often times the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.


scrolls down

Large flying cranky cats!


I’m guessing you didn’t actually read the thread when it was up.
It was well written and actually didn’t have anything troll in it. The person that made it put he respects this thread. Not everything is just immediately making fun of ye. You doo realize that, right.

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Yes you’re definitely excited to! It is known wise nod

Seriously, get over to check it out sometime soon, it doesn’t feel forced (to me), they’re both good “people” and it’s just… nice

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The dude surrounded by turkeys walking by on his phone ignoring them is the most this town I live in thing I’ve ever seen.


And i don’t feel like overgeneralizing by assigning legitimacy based on the subject matter. I just look the contents of what they actually said and judge from there.

Not to be one of those sorts, but any topic can be made trolling really.

Oversimplifying isn’t the answer though, in this case.

We had em around my college campus when I saw still going.

They were wild. Mean. And willing to take you down for a corn chip.

I have a healthy respect for Turkey.

If you make eye contact, they might attack.

I dunno about that, as the great WKRP taught


I once got bit by a chicken. I just got mad at the bird.

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I remember making my way home seen a mommy turkey with about 6 babies they all flew a few feet up into the pines when I got a bit close haha
Plenty of wild gobbles here in SC :3 always thought they were kinda cute. Like pugs.

They wander around my neighborhood.

One day I was heading to the store and when I looked right to make sure that it was safe to turn left I noticed a turkey Tom attacking someone’s shiny black new BMW.

So I glance left and then turn right, make a U-turn, and drive my car right up to the turkey. I’m talking inches from his gobliness. And I blow my horn to try and scare him away from damaging the car.

His response to being honked at at close range was not to run away. Instead he gobbled with loudly in response.

I wasn’t about to get out of the vehicle and try and shoot him away unless he decide I am a challenger or something he wants to mate with and attacks my shins.

So I backed up a little I went around the turkey and went on my way.

The ones at University don’t seem very aggressive but they certainly aren’t afraid of people. And I’m willing to bet the college students probably feed them.

They’re a real treat to see though, be they wandering the neighborhood or wondering the campus.

I got pecked in the eye by a chicken when I was like 6.


Turkeys sound mental :rofl: closest thing we’d have is probably an Emu over here by the sounds of it. Don’t want one of those buggers cranky at ya :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: We get beautiful lyre birds in the mountains behind me but they’re not as tough as a Turkey sounds :rofl:

Love those birds. We had one at the zoo near my home when I was young. It learned to make the noises of lions… It was amazing.

It’s actually super fun to go all Katniss (spelling?) Everdeen and sing with them until they learn it

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Emu are much worse, I think.

Turkeys are similar in size and behavior to peacocks and peahens, except they fluff up when trying to attract a mate.

They can fly short distances, roost in trees, fan tails (technically coverts) for courtship, and think their reflection in a shiny car is a rival and attack it.

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Correct I believe.

I want a Lyre Bird now…

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