LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Well dragon soul ended with the fact that thrall and aggra doinked

Do you tell your “gay best friend,” if he exists at all, how you feel about people being gay? I think you should.

That was terrible too and nothing came out of it anyway.

Gestures to Val’sharah.


Deleting your post given what you said will never be enough. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Oh. They’re both typing. They’ll show us woke people that being asleep is supreme!

That gif is of a straight male FYI.

…how do you not think what you said wasn’t offensive in so many ways?

Like… what even. Like, that’s an instant ignore for me, and I don’t ignore easily.

I highly recommend the people coming in here to troll and defend Sarique actually go look at what they said. I genuinely cannot repeat it, or explain it, because it would violate the CoC.


Why are your feefees so hurt that LGBT+ people exist?

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I’m sorry but I have to stand up for people when I see wrong. And YOU are doing wrong, there is no honesty you are speaking. You are comparing a crime that offenders do to a vulnerable population to a community that has consensual relationships. I seriously question whether you have gone to school, sorry for being petty but dang.


Some of their posts have already been removed but they’ve said a lot of yikes stuff over the last 3(?) days

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I’m referring to the one that was posted

Here. I refuse to post it as a link because that’ll just re-post it. This is probably the most offensive post I’ve ever seen on this entire forum in my entire time ever being on it.

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Hi there, I’m a straight white cis male. However I grasp the concept that there are other types of people out there, and many of them are nice to be around. No one’s hunting me down.

You’re just being a jerk.


You are mad Pelagos became the Arbiter.

Please, point out where anywhere in the storyline this week the fact Pelagos is trans came up. I’ll wait. You won’t find it.

Pelagos being trans was brought up a shocking ONE time in the game, and it wasn’t even in the story. It was in a gossip dialogue that most people missed.

There is literally no “agenda” they can push by elevating him, because they don’t really acknowledge he’s trans outside of that one time.


So, what universe do you live in?

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I’m not LGBTQ, and I am here. Look back at the conversation I had with Sarique, I don’t care what they are… I am going to stick up for people when I see wrong and that is exactly what I’m doing. If you can’t understand that, then god help you. I am done posting to you or that other troll, have a good day.

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Prove it. I dare you.


I’m just glad the art dept did proper lip sync when Pelagos was offering his soul.

It’s a wonder what lip sync does to get my brain to go “That’s a video game model” to “Oh that’s an actual character, suspension of disbelief activated”

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Prove. It.

You are speculating. There is literally zero evidence this is the case. Zero.

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Name one thing that was explicitly ruined by an LGBT+ person.