LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Oh I don’t consider Angel Dust bad representation. Some of us are just like him and I don’t think they should be neglected.

Pity I can’t link anything with him in it because of the language lol.

I haven’t even logged in to check my vault. I should get my lazy bum up and play game.

I think I want to level an alt.

I’ve had a hard time playing because of my finger . I did a dungeon on an alt but had to quit after it because the finger still hurts if I bend it too far.

I’m sorry you’re going through that. What happened if you don’t mind me asking?

Dislocated finger with a torn ligament . I got the hard splint off a week ago and been using buddy splints to help get the mobility back . Having the finger curled over the mouse for any period starts to hurt .

I gotta admit Vengaboys wrote some absolute bops.

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This old transman has no idea what path of exile league is.

Ouch. I’m so sorry.

Thanks .

The irritating thing is , this is the first significant injury I have ever had in my entire life.

a free to play arpg game hack and slash

We’ve talked about it before. Like the writing will never be good enough to some people, and that is tragic. You really do hear the same points over and over and over and over and … Well you get it. You learn it’s not about the writing.

A lot of people use these weird purity tests to shut down any representation at all, and there’s this weird smoke screen of “Well, what if it’s bad? Then it’s a total negative right???”

And I HONESTLY want to say…Like maybe we can have some bad (Not in a harmful way) LGBTQ+ stories and it not be totally breaking to everyone? Hallmark makes 900 terrible Christmas movies a year and no one says they are bad representation for straight people. Maybe we get a little cheesy, a little cliché, a little sappy, a little over the top stories too? If it’s harmfully bad, we’ll call it out as such.

To paraphrase Parks and Rec: I can’t define good/bad representation, but I know it when I see it.


Oh wait - Hey Rose! Back from Vacation?

And yeah, Totes civil here. You know, unless their a homophobe or something…

Don’t know them enough to have an opinion but I trust you :slight_smile:

Big oof. Hope it gets better ASAP

Sounds like me when I try to understand Beat Saber lol

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If by vacation you mean “Farming the heck out of a soapy cat snake thing in Monster Hunter” then yes

Look at this baby

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Oh of course. Pretty standard stuff.

Big baby. Large lad.

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That looks like fun!

I’ve returned, and i just wanted to say that this is an amazing solution to what was going on. I’m also really glad to see that it’s still around!

I’m currently writing a smol fic about Stellagosa and Valtrois discovering what happened to Azeroth’s ley lines. I’m thinking a shaw/flynn type of round the world adventure, except exploring Valtrois’s experiences in the fourth war, and Stellagosa’s history in Azeroth.


I love you because this reminds me of my gran who was a sweet wonderful lady and loved her gay grandson especially after his parents were horrible to him.


Have a good day everyone. Wanted to put a heart out after getting some decent news myself.


“I do have my moments of sanity.”