LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I mean I agree on the upgrade, but that Rezan disrepect by Blizzard was really something to behold. Seeing Rezan make me really excited as a troll fan and he got killed in a questing zone to make room for Vol’jin becoming a loa which was only able to happen because he was killed as a part of a really stupid main story.

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Yeah not too pleased when blizz brute forces the plot by having a character be really stupid

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If we’re going by order, the next should be Baine, and then Lor’themar.
We’ve had 2 Orcish Warchiefs, a Troll, and an Undead. So next is Tauren and then Blood Elf.

But I think I’d much rather have Lor’themar personally.
Then Silvermoon can be the new central hub for everyone.
I’d love to see a Silvermoon graphics update.

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Only if we get back the Baine we last saw at the end of Mulgore questing. I think the Alliance kidnapped him and replaced him with a puppet ruler

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“I want a Warchief who is more warlike and less peace loving”

This has historically gone well.

Nah, I want a leader who actually defends his people and can show up for once in a story that doesn’t involve him working with the alliance.

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“Or Her.”

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No! Then they’ll turn him evil and villain bat him.

And updating Silvermoon will just result in it being given to the other Thalassian elves who do nothing but cry so no thank you.

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Hamuul Runetotem was just as weak and he didn’t even have to worry about Sylvanas holding something over his head. She simply cowered him when he disagreed with her. Mayla Highmountain did nothing of worth as well. What could possibly have happened if she pulled the Highmountain from the Horde, or simply said we aren’t taking any part in this, after what Sylvanas did? Nothing. Same with the Nightborne who amazingly went from one nut job to another nut job. Baine wasn’t the only person of power not putting their people first but sadly, as Rosenivy said, Blizz forced a plot by having characters be really stupid.

The fact Rastakhan trusted Zul baffled me. He was ALWAYS shady even in the past. It never occurred to Rastakhan that the shady vision seer could just. Ya know. Lie. About what he sees.


I’m no doctor, but i don’t think that how it works.

Difference is in the past zul was doing it for the empire, but blizzard retconned it to making him a bad guy.

Funny because it seems you never developed into an adult with this childish mindset of yours.

Its so weird with the mega obvious villains. Zul? Boring in how predictable and evil he was.

But then you got Denathrius. ALSO a “oh hunny you aint even hiding youre evil. I respect that” villain.

I think its the personality and charm that helps Denathrius tho in this comparison.

My friend pointed out blizzard was originally going to make tauren from the shadowlands but then that turned out to be racist and zovaal as anshe. I’ll explain after I finish killing this mob in game. It’s no wonder the story telling is in a bad place right now.

Ehhh? I’ve never heard of this

Pity. Would have given Baine an excuse to get off his butt. ( Altho I get he was traumatized for all of 2 seconds because Blizz thinks thats how trauma works )

It’s because tauren are inspired by native Americans. I got to look up what he said. But yeah, knowing the stuff going on behind at blizzard it’s understandable why they scrapped this. It would have been very offensive to the horde to make them worship an evil deity and outright insulting to them after what they did in BFA giving them the villain bat.

All these weird attempts by blizz to make evil tauren and magatha grimtotem is RIGHT THERE since Legion.

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Yeah, so zovaal was originally supposed to be an’she but fallen and the story forums was rightfully upset when they learned about this. It was kind of alluded to in BFA with the tauren heritage armor questline. And tauren where I believe to be death constructs from the maw. But again, i need to find the source that they scrapped this. Because otherwise what im saying is baseless

Yeaaaaaah thats a bit cringe of blizz lol

And before folks chime in here. I’m not against native american villains. ( Heck one of my fav games is Until Dawn. A game that involves Wendigos ) But the whole “ah HA this god you worshipped is evuuuul” thing is cringe