LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Was never the crux of my argument. It’s your own dimwitted assessment of what you think I’m talking about since you avoid context like the plague.

Like I said earlier:

And you affirm my suspicion. At least you served some purpose to this discussion. Just like this guy here.

Keep making enemies where there are none. Such a typical mentally regressive coping mechanism.



Lol I was going to say

Shaw: “We’re not dating.”

Flynn, coming up from behind: “Hello Shaw, by wonderful boyfriend, our date last night was amazing and I cannot wait to go on another day with you, and tell you, my boyfriend, how much I love you…what?”

Shaw: “…”

But for real…Ill take married.

THO…I wanna go to their wedding in game? I had to for Thrall like…come on.


Says the person who came into a thread to dump on the people in it.


Mate you really came in here when there was no need to come in here. You knew what you were doing typing that out and sending it.


Man I wish we got to see them in Shadowlands. Like adventuring in Tazavesh and Flynn snags a pretty ring for Shaw even when he promised he wouldn’t steal anything. Shaw just rolls his eyes before revealing he stole a ring too.

Flynn: oooo the great mathias shaw disobeying an order?
Shaw: What can I say? You’re a bad influence


If that wasn’t the crux of the argument then you clearly failed at your attempt at communication.

Maybe you should include your thesis in the beginning of your writing like they teach you how to do in both every basic English class ever and in journalistic writing.

The longer the piece, the less people are going to read before moving on. You best make your strongest points upfront if you want them to be read.

When you start your writing with a false premise straw man and bury your real thesis deeper in your diatribe no one is going to read past the obvious nonsense.

You aren’t Jonathan Swift.

I feel like we’ve talked about this because I remember this imaging and like. YES HELLO?

We had a Heist and didn’t invite the heist boys??? Blizzard??? Missed opportunity???

IDK April has me worried and excited because I wanna know whats coming, and I wanna know if I can prepare to see more characters I care about

I’m concerned about the new expansion announcement.

I’m afraid it’s going to actually be something dumb.

Lol yeah we nerded out on the idea before. Its just cute so I had to repeat it XD

I really like alucard from the castlevania Netflix show.

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Real talk but alucard from Netflix series doesn’t feel like cooperate pandering to be honest. When I watched the first season idk I had weird gut feeling alucard was bisexual. You had no idea how happy I was at the reveal but also horrified on the scenario he was in. Edit: you will understand by what I mean by horrified.


We just have to hope for the best…for now.

Oh 100% Like. Shame blizzard for their missed opportunity I saw!

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Like I want to see what zoval foreshadowed. Instead they’re probably going to give us some boring completely unrelated nonsense the same way they gave us BFA with faction war and old gods instead of really addressing being stabbed in the planet.

It was like ho hum we got stabbed in the planet, let’s have a faction war.

It doesn’t make sense why blizzard keeps avoiding the sword. Like why won’t they resolve it is a narrative issue what do they want us to keep talking about it. Eventually we will be like well this should of been done way sooner. Edit: unless I’m out of the loop did the sword get removed from silithus or is it still there.

Like I understand why we went to Shadowlands narratively because I wrote an IC letter from Zan to his family explaining exactly why he was going to Icecrown and wound up there.

He marched himself to icecrown to kick the Lich King in his nether regions for the zombie invasion of Silvermoon that endangered his home and family.

When he discovered that it wasn’t the Lich King that was behind the invasion he changed his goal to kick the one behind it in their nether regions.

When he discovered it was the jailer, he decided that he wanted to kick the jailer in his blue nethers.

And he’s been going through all the content working with a vanguard to help bring about the situation where the jailer can get in his figurative blue nethers.

I don’t foresee any reason for Zan to, when he comes home, go to someplace like the Dragon Isles IC. He is literally going to stay home, either in Silvermoon or at the deserted island where all of his household and allied households moved to in order to protect themselves from zombie invasions.

The best I could manage is to race/faction change a paladin I don’t use and name it after my half-corrupted bronze whelping who is now actually probably drake size or larger, and IC say that was who went out there instead.

Wait your zandrae?

Yeah. I sometimes rotate between toons when there are lots of trolls for ease of reporting them. I’ll stay on one guy until I run out of reports then I’ll copy the next troll post, swap, and paste the link and resume. This way I don’t overlap.

I typically choose the same guild name. Most of the regulars are able to infer who I am from the guild name.

I have something dumb like 14 paladins.

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Which. this is still a problem. Hello???


Right? I bet we’re going to not address it even after SL is over.