LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Gold stars for everyone!

I wrote a note down on my pad to look out for this kind of thing. I predicted that people would select and pick out that same exact quote that you pulled because it just goes to show how our society has regressed mentally to skim arguments over for points of contention that sound offensive on the surface when pulled out of context.

I challenge you to add back the context to the quotes from which you cherry pick, because I assure you, you’ll find your own assumptions challenged in a way that makes you smarter and more educated as a person.

Otherwise, ignorance is bliss. Enjoy that sweet sweet argumentative evasion.

Your argument was based on a false premise that LGBT+ people think that others should be impressed with our queerness.

This indicates that you were uninformed and uneducated about the topic of LGBT+ issues. If you weren’t you wouldn’t have used the false premise that LGBT+ people expect others to be impressed by our queerness.

Because you are grossly uninformed and had a false premise, none of the text supporting that premise has any value because you don’t understand the topic so how can you logically write anything meaningful about it?

I googled “why LGBT+ pride is important,” for you. Here’s the top result.

“Gay pride or LGBT pride is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements.”

Traditionally, historically, being LGBT+ was something that was socially stigmatized and people got shamed for, or worse, arrested, jailed, beaten, murdered, SAed, etc.

Ergo pride is the antithesis of shame and stigma.

The pride movement grew out of yearly reminders of the Stonewall riots where people at a gay bar called Stonewall In fought back against police after the bar was raided and anyone who was wearing clothes that didn’t align with their sex was arrested, etc. Someone tossed a brick at a cop during the arrests and taking people to the paddy wagon and violence broke out. The LGBT+ people were raging against the popo.

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Then what was being asked if you weren’t asking

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I asked him why are trans-activists protesting a bill that prohibits child abuse.

Problems here:
Not a bill

Not prohibiting child abuse, but instead codifying it.

And reading through Paxton’s letter, there’s no proof in it, mostly just seems to be assertions about laws it breaks by citing the text of the law, and from my understanding lies about what the treatments are in that age group and finding ways to fit them into categories that aren’t applicable to them, like sterilization and FGM.

Define child abuse in the context of the law you claim I’m against.

You mean like you did when you got on your soap box about pride when people weren’t really talking about it, in a thread that’s about discussion of the game and its story?


Such big brain predicting that people would ignore your nonsense after you made a straw man argument. You’re so smart. Would you like a gold star?

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You’re misrepresenting my argument on a fundamental level, so much so that it’s worrying me that you’re going off into tangents that are -almost- within the realm of being relevant but are on the outside looking in. Let’s re-evaluate.

My initial assertion was to get people to think more critically about WHY their pride is important, and to your credit, you’ve done a good job explaining where the pride comes from, but you don’t seem to understand you’ve just proved the point I was just initially trying to make.

Straight pride was brought up earlier in this thread as a negative because being ‘straight’ isn’t controversial, nor does it contain any negative connotations. Which is why you’ll never get anyone to care by saying straight pride is important. It’s not.

LGBT pride comes, as you said, from a response to societal stigmas and prejudices, which I tried to iterate in my first post to you. So it’s not ‘pride’ in ones identity, it’s pride in the defiance of perceived outside forces, which is of course what this is all about it.

It’s pride directed towards an outside force, which isn’t true ‘dignity’ as you quoted from your google search. Your prideful of your opposition to others who oppose you, who think you aren’t as ‘normal’ as they are. So it’s less pride with one’s dignity and more argumentative contrarianism.

The goal of my initial reply was to challenge others to think critically about why they feel the way they do about certain issues. Even people that are straight who support the LGBT movement, you’d have a hard time convincing me that they actually care about who you are attracted to, and more often than not, their ‘support’ is little more than something to suppliment their messiah complex and to validate themselves as protectors of those who cannot protect themselves.

My initial point holds true. It’s not worth it to put so much weight and self-worth into your sexuality, and in the same vein, it’s not worth the weight to project so much vitriol towards people who want to live their lives the way they want to. People that belittle others for their sexuality are just as cringy to me as those who believe their sexuality is something worth putting so much weight into.


No, I passed over your essay attacking a straw man because your premise was a straw man.

You have to actually understand the topic you’re writing about to be right about it or even make a point, which you clearly illustrated you don’t when you based your entire wall of text on the false premise that queer people want you to be impressed by their queerness.

All of it is incorrect because the premise was incorrect.

That’s like saying if A in A → B is false, B being true matters. It doesn’t. B only matters if A matters. Again this is a basic law of logic.

Not only did I point out that your premise was incorrect, I provided an explanation of the thing you don’t understand.

I’m indifferent to the whole message because it was nonsense and not worth reading.

If you want people to read your posts you need to start with the basic understanding of what you’re writing about and not use a false premise or a straw man. Because everybody’s going to dismiss everything you’ve written because you don’t know what you’re talking about so elaboration on your thoughts on a subject you have no understanding of is pointless.

I’ll be happy to read your wall of text when you demonstrate a basic understanding of what you’re writing about, don’t use a straw man, or a false premise.

Your post’s premise was that LGBT+ people think that others should be impressed by our queerness.

This is a false premise. What is false cannot be true. That is illogical.

Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.—Eric Clapton

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No your initial point does not hold true

Because it lacks an understanding on why it’s important for minorities to be proud in a world that upholds institutions and sentiments geared towards typically keeping minorities down


“You shouldn’t put weight into this portion of who you are that causes people to discriminate against you.”


It’s also offensive to me when people say “being gay doesn’t matter” in the context of me describing who I am it does I am a gay person and that is part of my experience and it feels dismissive to not acknowledge that, and it happens with being a person of color too don’t dismiss my experience and I feel like people who want to act like those things don’t matter (some not all) do mean well but they coming from a place of privilege don’t even understand how dismissive it is because they don’t realize those things mean something to people


All this reminds me. I should pull out the wow LGBT thread bingo card I made.

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I’d address your points if you had any.

All you had was a false premise that LGBT+ people think that people should be impressed by us.

Go ahead and personally attack me, you couldn’t even be bothered to Google what gay pride actually is before wasting your time writing a pile of nonsense.

Hey all - Just wanna remind everyone you don’t need to waste time or energy engaging with trans/homophobes :heart:

They are just here to cause you frustration, and it’s totally ok to curate your life and block them. Not give them the oxygen they so desperately want to frustrate you.

Anyway: I saw this on Twitter, but if the next expac is Dragon Isles, I want us to sail in with Flynn and Wrathion talking sassy about Shaw. Like. Bring back the boys!


Cue Rosenivy just being smug with Shaw in a “Oh I can tell you two are dating” Shaw just denies he’s dating Flynn and instead says they’re married


You know. It’s always funny when people who aren’t LGBT+ tell LGBT+ people that we shouldn’t put as much value on portions of who we are.

They don’t have to think about how their sexuality is a part of them because their sexuality is the societal norm and is just considered automatic. They don’t think about their sexuality because no one is denying making them a wedding cake because of who they love. No one in the supreme court is talking about taking away their right to marriage. They have always had that privilege.

They don’t have to think about their gender identity because their gender identity being in alignment with their sex is the standard so they don’t have to think about it because nobody makes a big deal out of it or is trying to legislate against them getting healthcare or where they go pee. They don’t have to worry about a doctor refusing to do a medically necessary surgery on them because they’re trans.

Then they have the audacity, with all their privilege, to tell us that those parts of our identity should not be valued at all, or embraced at all.

And they assume that we don’t have other accomplishments or skills and are just only valuing our queerness.

They then fake claim us when we share our other accomplishments.

Meanwhile they put an awful lot of value on their own identities to the point they try to force their politics and religion onto us.