LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Read the bill.

I don’t understand, but thank you for telling me I am doing a good job?

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I think I found Zovaals theme music

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Are people still doing this? I’ve been gone so long you’d think they’d get better material.

If any of that is true, I’d be impressed too, with all of it except the sexuality part.

It’s hilarious that people like to assume I’m singling any particular person or group out. LGBT pride is just as pointless as straight pride.

You’re not proud because you’re LGBT and you think that’s something worth being proud of is, you’re proud because of the perceived defiance in the statement itself, as it’s taking a stand, both morally and philosophically against ‘the man’ or whatever perceived forces, be they real or imaginary.

There’s a reason why most straight people aren’t ‘proud’ of their sexuality, because there is no perceived persecution or controversy surrounding the statement should it be made in a public setting.

But my point stands. If you’re attracted to [y] or [z] that is not nor will it ever be impressive to me. And I don’t expect you to be impressed because I’m attracted to [y] or [z].

The culture of pro-sexuality that is being fostered in this country is encouraging people to use mundane, primitive, and in the grand scheme of things, pointless characteristics such as sexuality to give people a sense of accomplishment through ‘fighting back’ against said previously mentioned forces.

I’m not proud of who I’m attracted to. I’m proud of the career I’ve pursued, I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, both professionally, physically, and in the impact I’ve had in my community.

Now with that all being said, I’m 100% confident people will now add me to that list of perceived ‘forces’ that are out to get them and hold them down, which ironically proves my point in the process. As long as people feel like they’re fighting for a cause, they’ll happily add people to the enemy’s ranks so they can keep the wheel of ‘war’ spinning. But you can go ahead and keep fighting your windmills. My point has been made.

Now swing away at your windmill blades, general discussion.

Eh, one day.


So you got nothing.

I have the actual legislature. What do you have? A survey?

How have I injected bias into it?

You literally said A not ( not B).
I said involution, or the layman’s term for double negative, which equals a positive.

If someone is against something that is against something, they are for that something that the something is against.

Example: Arical is against anti-trans.

The double negatives cancel each other out and therefore saying, “Arical is pro trans.”

Let’s try a truth table.


Mentally I am here.

I miss these goobers. Cmon new episode. Release soon

No you don’t. You have the opinions of an indicted corrupt AG and a horrible governor abusing their powers.


You’re really uneducated on LGBT+ issues. I recommend taking a class at your local community college to fix that.

Theres some really good humor to be had out there, if they would only apply themselves.

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So you avoid all the points I made because you know I’m right. If any part of what I said is incorrect, point it out. You just don’t like the message because it has a perceived connotation of persecution against you, and thus, gives you grounds to dismiss it because it promotes ‘hate’. But if you refuse, it just proves my point even further.

People hate looking the truth in the face. It’s better to live in a bubble where your own beliefs can make sense to you, even if they are provably fallacious at their core.

Project harder. Please

That’s not even close to what was being asked. Again, stop injecting your biases.

I get a giggle when people thing Pride is just like
the base definition of the word. Like “I am proud of myself because I’m gay.”

Like bestie, it’s so much deeper than that - come on now.


Maybe pay attention that this isn’t a pride thread and is a general hangout and discussion thread about story themes in WoW and ones people would like to see?

I mean, the rest is pointless to engage in since you just made up something to rail against.