LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

You said you were white correct and you believed you are priveleged?

Feel free to reread your own evidence. LGBTQ+ are not denied life-saving treatment or routine treatments, but they can be denied when it comes to voluntary, medical services like gender therapy.

Iā€™m not Arical, but I am white.

Yes, it makes me privileged in the area of race.
That means that my race isnā€™t causing me extra problems like it does for other people.
Iā€™m not more likely to be singled out by police or store security, stuff like that. It doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s other stuff that gives me problems in my life, just that being white in generally society does not cause me problems.

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White privilege means I donā€™t experience systemic and other discrimination on the basis of my race.

I experience it as a trans person, and as a disabled person, and as an AFAB person, and so on. But I generally donā€™t experience that discrimination based on my skin color.

ā€œOpponents have said types of health care that could be cut off include maintaining hormone treatments for transgender patients needing in-patient care for an infection, or grief counseling for a same-sex couple. Theyā€™ve also said it could also be used to refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control, or by physicians assistants to override patient directives on end of life careā€

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Privilege is just a bad word tbh. It makes people think they get stuff on the basis of their race, when really it just means they arent denied stuff on the basis of their race.

This thread makes me so sad :ā€™)


Itā€™s hard to say. I mean, I think it was chosen as a way to make it seem more palatable, but thereā€™s also been an active effort to distort the meaning to make it harder to talk about by people who are wed to the status quo.

I guess people in this thread hate me now or something and Iā€™m evil. Edit: In any case I have a lot to ponder over I guess maybe I am wrong for believing this

Just misguided here.

Privilege as a concept is meant more to be a reminder that when we talk about issues that affect people other than ourselves (including issues that affect us as well) that we all have different sets of challenges and experiences, and what we know of how the world works for us is not the same as how it works for someone different than us.


Guess Iā€™m sorry then for this whole conversation I have a lot of thinking over to do. Itā€™s been enlightening and philosophical one

I donā€™t know if you need to be sorry. We all have to learn things, and itā€™s not always easy. Weā€™re all in this together, we just all need different things.


Of course thatā€™s what the opponents would say. Doesnā€™t reflect whatā€™s in the bill.

Or to make people think that people arenā€™t equal.

I.E. Privilege is a way to use feelings over facts.

And again, someone who uses that stupid line when theyā€™re vomiting their atrocious feelings all over the place and pretending theyā€™re facts while plugging their ears when the actual facts are discussed.

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Pretty sure itā€™s for continuing the conversation this is after all a video game board. I owe everyone in here an apology Iā€™m sorry for dragging out this discussion. And I have some studying too do seems my beliefs are bit misguided

When you find said facts, let me know. You handed me a survey that said 14% of two-thousandish people surveyed felt good about their gender therapy.

I know thatā€™s how you feel about it.

But you can talk about facts when you actual present some, and not just raw assertations that go up against all the actual medical best practices at this time.

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You handed me a survey. A literal survey. I donā€™t know what you consider ā€˜factsā€™ but a questionnaire ainā€™t one.

I handed you a study in a respected pediatric journal.

You just keep saying ā€œNuh uh!ā€

A study that was a survey. You can read it again if you want. They asked a sample size of LBGTQ+ people and jotted down the results.