LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

A moderate would see that there are no ‘anti-human rights’ on any side.

I liked this person’s explanation of privilege.

With the addition, that most of us have areas where we have privilege and areas in which we do face those obstacles. It’s not a blanket yes or no, it’s situational.

The only way thats true is if you dont consider LGBT+ rights human rights.


I love you just dismiss my trauma and then proceed to say your a decent person instead of apologizing. Kind of shows your character. Well I won’t label people as evil because I know everyone is different and some will disagree with me sadly I can’t say the same for you. I’ve experienced all those things too btw and I’m sorry you had to go through that.

you called him privileged at the very same time he called you privileged. They owe you no apology.

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Fair point I’ll concede on that. Guess I’m privileged enough to deserve being beaten based on who I am right.

They have all the rights of everyone else under the law, so that’s inaccurate.

We’re going back to the old ‘gays arent denied any rights straights are because neither one of them can get gay married so its technically equal’ sort of nonsense now?


You know people break the law right. There is still work to be done. Also matter of prejudice and corruption in police department

dear god you just opened a whole different can of worms


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I just hope mods come back and moderate this place im probably going go work out now and go on Grindr afterwards.

But they can get married? What rights do people have that LGBTQ+ don’t?

But that applies to all groups? That doesn’t even make any sense.

No it really doesn’t. It doesn’t apply to you because you never experienced it before.

the right to healthcare for one, health facilities can openly refuse service to people for being LGBTQ+


Why should I apologize? Your traumatic experiences don’t make my pointing out your privilege wrong.

As a bi person you have the privilege of passing as straight that a gay person doesn’t have. Ergo, anti-gay legislation doesn’t hurt you as much because you can date an opposite sex person and be happy. Not all LGBT+ people have that privilege.

You might also have sex privilege if you are assigned male at birth. This means you don’t have to worry about having a pregnancy of you are assaulted. You don’t worry about being forced to carry your assaulter’s child to term by the people you keep defending as not evil. You don’t have to work extra hard to prove yourself as compitent and you likely will get equal pay.

You are likely also a cisgender person meaning you don’t have to deal with all the crap trans people deal with.

You might also have racial privilege where you have to fear being discriminated against, being profiled by police, or being overpoliced. You don’t have to fear that you will be killed by police.

You might have behavioral health privilege and health privilege in general, where you don’t have to deal with stigma, where you can go without insurance, and so on.

If you have these, you’re less likely to be affected by anti-trans, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-disabled legislation.

Yes, I have.

Oh, you’re leaving out things. I get that. That’s what usually happens.

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Your pointing towards privilege that I don’t have mate. You can say I do but I’ve been on the streets that doesn’t exactly sound like I’m privileged.

Nope, you think I’m talking about things regarding sex. But no, I’m talking regular non sex specific specialists and facilities.

So you’re a gay black physicaly and mentally disabled trans man? Didn’t you say you were bi?