LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

They’re brainwashed and mislead and committing acts of self harm.

Eh, they’re right though.

It’s a small c vs big C conservatism issue. Small c conservatism generally would be more about minding ones own business if it’s not interfering with someone. Not making excess laws that aren’t needed. But movement Conservatism is reactionary and wants to push laws to codify behaviors that they see fit, so not conservative.

Why because they believe differently then you I thought that was freedom and their choice?

I don’t care, and how am I backpedaling and making assumptions? Conservatives have always used minorities to boost optics in an attempt to not be revealed as bigots.

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It’s really funny because if I wasn’t a centrist I really would be a leftist. Bizarre world we live in where I have to say someone who believes differently from you is not evil.

Oh great here comes the transphobe now the same poster with more of their conspiracy takes.

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I see you edited your post.

Such as…?
What were the non-extremist beliefs again?

Do you want a medal for doing the right thing when the rest of us have been doing so for decades?

Your inability to spot evil is a personal problem.

I couldn’t imagine how hard it must be being in such a position that I had the privilege to not view people trying to take away my human rights as evil.

I vote for the greater good of all people, thanks.

I’m of the opinion we don’t really have a progressive party, just progressives in a more conservative party and the party claiming to be conservative borders alt right


Would you still believe in their freedom of choice if they voted to put you in a concentration camp to make you not bi?

Imagine being so privileged that you could be a centrist and think that the people trying to take away your human rights were not evil.

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Keep telling yourself that but people who disagree with you are brainwashed and self harming themselves right. What a privileged and entitled way of thinking

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Imagine labeling me who has been homeless and on the streets once and beaten by my father as being privileged. Mind you my father is a liberal

back from writing

…yall done yet?

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give us an hour or three.

I really wish Bernie won in 2020 just preferred him to be honest seemed like a really good candidate.

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How is a black person who votes against black rights not brainwashed?

How is a LGBT+ person voting to take away their right to marriage, or not be discriminated against at work or at school, or their ability to adopt not brainwashed.

What other reason would people engage in such radical acts of self harm?

Please explain how it’s a privilege to view evil people as evil?

Like I said, I feel that it all gets broken up over issues. There’s people who are progressive on stuff like income inequality and socialized medicine, but can be on the conservative side when it comes to things like equal rights and social protections.

The main problem is right now we have the Republican party in a dark spiral, and basically everyone else is stuck in the Democratic party, so you’ve got that split between people who might be sane republicans like we had some of before earmarks were killed, and people from the far left who still get that a third party is going nowhere with the current system. So basically one laser focused party with some extreme goals, and then everyone else, and everyone else can’t agree the way the laser focused party is.


Its like AOC said, in any other country, her and Joe Biden wouldnt be in the same party.

Oh yeah?
I’ve been homeless.
I’ve been beaten.
I’ve been assaulted.
I’ve faced medical gatekeeping.
I’ve faced discrimination.
I’ve endured hate speech.

Yet somehow I still managed to turn out a person who doesn’t consider the anti-human rights side valid and call myself a moderate.

I wonder how that works.

It’s possible to have privilege even if you have had hardship.

People have racial privilege.
Economic privilege.
Sex privilege.
Gender identity privilege.
Sexuality privilege.

You likely have racial privilege, you might have privilege based on you sex, you likely have gender identity privilege, and you likely have a little more sexuality privilege than someone who is straight up gay or lesbian.

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Somewhat, but there’s a good chance they’d be in a coalition group together. I’m not arguing for keeping the FPTP system we have, but the two parties, or at least the D party is acting like a coalition would in like a British parliment.