LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Speak for yourself. I’m just going down to sleep, under the nice warm covers.

I ran some normals today on an alt. Normal dungeons are ruined by people leveling their renoun. I was spamming my monk speed abilities and soul shape and people were still pulling for me.

They need to make normals not drop renoun anymore.

I’ve got the ranks for the server mostly set up.

I just need to add color, emojis, and channels.

I thought Sylvanas and Nathanos was hinted to like each other, at least he did I think lol.

When they were alive they did. Since becoming undead the relationship appears to have become somewhat one-sided.

Yes, im glad to find out that im not the only one who think Sylvanas is gay.

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“I think she is Bi, and right now she is pissed off at men in general. So she is looking for love from the other side.”

“OOO!!! I just got a WICKED thought. What if Sylvanas and Calia got together? They could rule the Forsaken as the Perfect Pair.”
/wicked laugh

Sylvanas is too full of bitter resentment to love anyone. She has a “sentimental” connection to those before her first death as in her sisters and Nathanos but I doubt it is anything approaching love. She is simply too damaged by her experiences to feel anything but the desire to become the only one who decide her fate. Perhaps there is a faded whisper of her Ranger General self that remains buried deep inside herself and that is why she has the love/hate interaction with Anduin but in the end her core instincts and motivations are more animal than sentient being wrapped in a calculating shell that was once a Windrunner.

I liked the way the gay couple in the Night Fae chapter in trying to deal with the Night Warrior questline was handled. They are a loving couple that lived, died and were reborn together and this is really wonderful. No retconning with a hatchet or a bad fanfic, just simply being who they have been for a very long time. Hopefully, we’ll see more couples of different “configurations” introduced over time.

As for existing characters… I bet Freud would break into a cold sweat seeing Garrosh wearing the Tusks of Mannoroth and carrying that oversized axe. LOL.


What’s important is that they were a couple first and gay second.

That’s the key to successful gay characters, not making their gayness define them. If you can take a character and have their story and character remain the same despite changing their orientation, then you did a good job.

Not shoving gay rep is important to not have characters feel too pandery.


Honestly that he actually tried to break the curse with “True Love’s Kiss” really cracked me up.

I probably would have fallen for it as well, but it was still really funny.

never thought id here you say that lol

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Man I was hoping this thread would encourage mods to actually delete the troll threads from the obvious troll spammers (You know who I’m referring to)

But alas, there he goes again

Give it time. Seems they cleaned up several others… At least I can’t find them anymore.

Megathreads don’t stop people from making similar threads.

Those threads are very popular

Because just can’t help but take the bait

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I’ve always been a bit bothered by the discussions surrounding the implementation of representation of LGBTQ characters in the game.

Opponents have a cluster of phrases they use over and over again. These phrases make assumptions and no matter how well-implimented representation is, to these people the buzzwords still apply.

To opposition, the following is true:

  • Pandering — 100% of all LGBTQ characters are considered pandering no matter how well they are implemented.
  • Forced — 100% of all LGBTQ characters are forced no matter how organic or well-written they are.
  • Only personality trait — 100% of LGBTQ characters consist entirely of being LGBTQ no matter how well written they are or how much depth they have.

These talking points come up over and over again when it comes to representation and they really don’t contribute to the topic at all because of bias perspectives.


Can’t blame Moonberry for trying.

Granted she seems the type to be all “yay my otp!”

Anyway I propose that anytime another troll threads comes up we just post Vengabus


Heck even some folks in the lgbt don’t agree with representation. Thankfully a lot of the disagreements I had here among other lgbt were civil.

Reminds me of people who were beyond mad that Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel was a “negative stereotype”



I’m just going to start linking the gif.

Also welcome back.

To me bad representation is the first step to getting sort of good representation a’la this:

Yeah Monster Hunter continues to have my soul lol.

Did all the solo hunter stuff and the game was just “Oh okay here’s multiplayer stuff for you to do. And you have to basically restart your gearing up like when you started” and I’m okay with that. The feedback loop of “Go hunt the thing, make stronger thing to kill the stronger things. Go hunt” is addictive.

Seriously I didn’t know today was tuesday til I saw posts about the server maintenance XD