LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Conservatives don’t universally support freedom. They only support freedom in ways they feel is acceptable and for themselves only. This is why they legislate to control womens’bodies.

There’s nothing good about tradition.

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My I didn’t know you could read every single conservative on the planet. How do you know conservatives everywhere on the planet secretly don’t support freedom mind sharing this power with me.

I already refuted that. Conservative ideology has more against freedom than for freedom per history.

And what traditions do they protect that are valid and aren’t already protected?

I mean you could look at Russia right now trampling on Ukraine freedom right now and see why protection must always need to continue being protected

I’m waiting for you to tell us what a good one is like. Somehow you can’t seem to do that. Maybe because it’s a mythical creature like a faerie or a unicorn. Can I roll one for D&D?

Looks at Tucker Carlson etc al’s takes on Ukraine.

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I’ve legit told you and you ignored it. What would be the point really it would just be you saying your wrong bro I’m right situation. I gave the answer and you both said they don’t support it which is laughably false. So do you want me repeat my answer and you it turn will deny it

name a policy that is widely supported by the conservative community that supports human freedom.

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I missed it. It clearly wasn’t obvious what you were answering. Post it again.

They always remind me of MLK’s white moderate “who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice”


The LGBTQ community? I mean conservative lgbtq members exist right

Wait they will deny this as well

that’s not a policy. and there is a lot of division in the conservative community over them. it’s still a GOP goal to eliminate gay marriage and make it so LGBTQ+ cannot adopt. you’ll never see them make a policy that supports LGBTQ+ rights.

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Meaning some support them thus supporting freedom for lgbtq right? Thank you glad I see you know not every conservatives is a rambling evil monster

Actually, they are used more for optics more than anything. it turns out being openly homophobic and racist doesn’t fly anymore as a party value. they gotta veil it. Minorities are wonderful shields to hide behind so of course they accept them!

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Actually now you are the one backpedaling and making assumptions good to know. By the way I’m bisexual and if you don’t believe me that’s fine.

This seems so productive.

We’ve got the problem of liberal/conservative being basically a spectrum of options, and then the fact that you run into what issue is being debated, it’s not like everyone falls on the same point of that spectrum on every issue.

And then you get into especially in America of Movement Conservatism, which is a reactionary movement masquerading as conservatism, and doing so well that it’s basically become synonymous with the word conservative here.

You can have debates on some liberal v conservative stances, I mean, hell, the actual conservative method of market based caps and all actually did work to end the acid rain problem certain areas had. You can debate say military spending. It gets into nasty when it gets into more personal matters like this. How do you really debate with someone who refuses to acknowledge all the evidence we’ve gathered so far on to how to help people who are wired a certain way to thrive in life, and wants to force people to live basically in a body that they don’t feel is right because that’s what they believe?

Do conservatives really support LGBT+ people and our rights if they vote for politicians who actively want to eliminate gay marriage and take away LGBT+ ability to adopt?

Like they aren’t voting in alignment with their alleged morals. That’s pretty monsterous to me.

Fixed it for you. And the answer to your question is they are people with their own beliefs. It’s up to them if they believe that or not. I will vote for liberal in 2024 because I believe in them more but I don’t view this other side as evil. Just the way the world works it’s about which side benefits you the most

Fixed it for you.

If so called conservatives really cared about LGBT+ people they wouldn’t vote for anti-LGBT+ politicians.

What about LGBTQ conservatives