LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

That’s actually rather funny.

This reminds me of something. One of the kids next door, who was a little older, was probably trans or gay. Their name was Ricky. Ricky really loved My Little Pony (the og version) and had very feminine behavioral expression. I always got the impression they were a little different even before I knew what gay and trans were. Don’t get me wrong, Ricky was rad AF and I loved spending time with them.

Speaking of I went to look again myself and I feel like a lot of the stuff being said by certain people falls under this addition, so I’m glad mods act on those posts

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual/romantic orientation or gender identity/expression (male, female, trans-gender, bi-gender, pangender, genderfluid, agender or any non-binary identity not listed) pertaining to themselves or other players

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be temporarily banned from the forums
  • Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums
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The mods abuse their admin privileges.

Sarique: We shouldn’t care about Trans because they are only 1% of the population

Also Sarique: What about high level sports that effect less than 1% of the population!


Activists: Trans people are being oppressed.
Also Activists: Trans people winning national titles are still oppressed.

Which means nothing, unless of course you think Jackie Robinson winning titles meant that segregation was already ended and there was no oppression towards black people during the 50s :thinking:


So, what’s in this for you?

What harm is being done to you, is this costing you money, taking food out of your mouth, or causing physical harm to you that you’re so concerned about other people being able to live more comfortably in their own bodies?


False equivalency. It’s 2022 the last time I checked.

When you’re an adult, do whatever you want.

And we’re back again to the why are you promoting policies that will just end up with more dead kids instead of minding your own damned business?

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Clearly those other people who said poster has never met and doesn’t know from Adam living their lives in ways that poster doesn’t approve of is an affront to said poster and everyone has to confirm to that poster’s values. People can’t just be free to live their own lives.

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I understand, you don’t like the comparison because you’d probably be the guy saying that african americans aren’t oppressed because one of them won titles in baseball. It’s a hard pill to swallow for a lot of types like yourself.

But it certainly isn’t a false equivalency, it’s the exact same rhetoric.

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Seriously, I’m pretty much vanilla, straight white cis male. And I can grasp the concept that other people have much different experiences than I do, and that the people who live that life know way the (choose your own expletive) more about this stuff than I do, and they probably know best how to help out other people going through similar situations. Is that really that hard to grasp?

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You can’t provide a recent example instead of leaning on a society that doesn’t exist anymore?

Prove it?

Yeah every now and then mods comb thru this place and take some posts out. Kinda why I kept making some folks talk. The more things they say against coc the more posts you can flag


Conservatives my entire life: lol who cares about women’s sports? thats lame!
Conservatives when they realized they could use women’s sports as an excuse to hate trans people: :eyes:


If trans people are not oppressed because they are allowed to participate in sports then why do only 12 states ban trans/gay panic defense for murder?

It’s hard because these are people that have been taught to believe one way for their entire life and indoctrinated. And then there is reaffirming propaganda everywhere. De-radicalizing people is hard, but it has gotten a bit easier since the left has been able to push into media a lot more.


We need to bring back the fairness doctrine and the limit on how many news outlets a person/company can own.

Yeah its like how it takes a little while for folks to leave the westboro baptist church. I understand its more a gentle process. Kinda why I’d be terrible at it



Half of transgender and nonbinary youth said they were not using GAHT but would like to, 36% were not interested in receiving GAHT, and 14% were receiving GAHT. Parent support for their child’s gender identity had a strong relationship with receipt of GAHT, with nearly 80% of those who received GAHT reporting they had at least one parent who supported their gender identity. Use of GAHT was associated with lower odds of recent depression (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = .73, p < .001) and seriously considering suicide (aOR = .74, p < .001) compared to those who wanted GAHT but did not receive it. For youth under age 18, GAHT was associated with lower odds of recent depression (aOR = .61, p < .01) and of a past-year suicide attempt (aOR = .62, p < .05).


Findings support a relationship between access to GAHT and lower rates of depression and suicidality among transgender and nonbinary youth.