LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Psychologically, but biologically, as in chromosomal, this is not the case.

This is part of the problem, the two of you are having two different conversations. If either of you defined things better maybe you wouldn’t be arguing over something so trivial?

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This has intense state fair funnel cake food card art energy

Isn’t a thing. “Woman” is a gender, it’s not a biological condition.

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Well I am telling you now. There is no hate in me when I am talking about this.

You have assumed I am behind hateful to shut me down because you don’t like what I am saying.

I used to teach biology and bioessentiallism drove me nuts because people were really stubborn about refusing to learn anything about endocrine systems or secondary sexual characteristics.


Sex is physiological. Gender is behavioral. Sop conflating the two.

It has been explained over and over again that sex and gender are two different things. It’s not my fault if they have not paid attention.

I made clear the distinction. Clearly, biology can’t change. You can identify as what ever you want, but biologically you are still what ever sex you were born as. Again, psychologically you can think and interpret the world how you choose or are forced to, but that doesn’t change who you are biologically, regardless of what pills you take or what procedures you have done to your body.

Are you quoting to yourself, and responding to yourself? Is that what just happened there?

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Said the person mislabeling a mutation as ‘the third sex’.

Why are you here? You clearly aren’t an LGBT+ ally.

This is a public forum?

The post I quoted did not have a clear distinction as you used gender when you meant sex.

You keep saying biology can’t change when there’s lots that can change.

We can change secondary sexual characteristics with cross-sex hormones.

We can change certain characteristics with surgery.

Those are all biological things that are changed.

Try to be precise. When you say biology you mean sex karyotypes.

No, you can take on characteristics which you identify as “cross-sex.” The value of a woman or man isn’t diminished because they have lower or higher testosterone or estrogen levels. A woman doesn’t stop being a woman because they hit middle age and have lower estrogen levels. A person who is injured in an accident, that loses some of their sexual characteristics, doesn’t stop being a man or woman because of that mutilation.

You can remove certain characteristics, which I would not recommend. You will still be you. You will still be Joe Johnson man who considers himself a female, but now you will have a mutilated body, and that’s something that can’t be undone and something that you will probably regret sooner rather than later. And this is evidenced with suicidal ideation among the trans community who’ve undergone any such procedure. Again, don’t take these sorts of actions lightly.

I very clearly used the word biology like 20 times so that you would know that I was talking about biological considerations and alterations. I also used the word psychological to emphasize something that exists in a persons mindset but isn’t associated with their biological nature. If you misinterpreted this it’s because that’s what you chose to do.

You didn’t actually say anything here, so I’m assuming you meant to type up examples and you simply forgot?


Trans people are acutely aware of what sex is dear.

And you’re sure it’s LGBT+ people who are at fault for the division and not at all how we’re treated?

No. I’ll wave my flag as I please. I’m here, I’m queer, I kill bosses and loot gear.

Some of us can multitask and care about more than one cause at a time.

I don’t. That’s why I thumb my nose at bad people.

I disagree.

I agree, people who hate trans people should get over it and go do something productive, like get an education, or do community service.

I’m in my room.

My mother is dead.

As for my dad, he told my rightist brother that he should get vaccinated because he can’t get any dumber than he already is.

He’ll tell you in no uncertain terms to go pound sand but with less civil language.

I mean, at least you got something right here.

Too late. Good thing that it is not your business. That’s between me and my treating physician.

Actually I’ve had a legal name change. I’ve also moved my gender marker on my drivers license to non-binary. Once I’m passing I’ll be changing it to male along with the gender marker on my birth certificate which has been updated to reflect my new name.

I had a hysterectomy double oophorectomy in October 2019 at the age of 38 after fighting for over five years to get it.

It’s been a couple of years. I don’t regret it. At all.

In fact, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.

Correlation does not imply causation.
According to Williams Institute at UCLA, the trans suicide attempt rate varies from 40ish percent up to 67ish percent for those with disabilities (both physical and/or behavioral health).

The studies also indicate that self harm attempt rates are higher the more mistreated, assaulted, and discrimination a trans person experiences.

Meta analysis of the aforementioned survey found that affirmative surgeries has a positive benefit.

Those who might don’t likely have other things going on, like experiencing phobic behavior, discrimination, assault, or a lack of supportive friends and family which the Williams Institute study all indicate are risk factors.

This is why the LGBT+ community is so important. It serves as a support network for people who otherwise might not have one.


Do they? I know either with either.

You are assigning emotions to me that are not actually present.

I never said this I was?

You can disagree but there is infinitely more bad than good.

Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes, oh and dudettes, and everything in between, you know what I mean.

Never understand why folk who have no interest or understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community and how it relates to WoW even come in here to complain like this.

So much easier if they’d just mute the thread and move on with their lives.


Or, if being excellent is too hard for some people, I could settle if more people would mind their own business.


I personally view dude as a gender neutral term but not everyone agrees.


Thank you my good sir, for a second there I thought I was getting cancel cultured.