LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I don’t need to prove something I am not. I guess that’s that.

This is literally the same thing as claiming to have a black, gay, or trans friend.

Let’s be real here, the only reason you pick up trans people is that Uber would fire you of you didn’t.

None of this is respectful. Gestures below.

What is this conversation?

“you’re a transphobe!”

“na, I don’t feel that way.”

“But I’m saying you are, so you must be!”

…seriously, this conversation is kinda stupid.


That post certainly isn’t adding any value to the thread.

Yeah, my bad, let’s go back to complaining about who’s the most transphobic. Obviously you because of stupid reasons that don’t exist.

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Calling me a transphobe hasn’t added any value as well.

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Or you know, people who have a problem with the thread could just go away instead of getting offended that people aren’t showering them in praise for saying stupid stuff in a thread that’s supposed to be relaxed?

I mean, you could think about what you’ve said here and the reasons people have given you about why they’re wrong?


Actually it’s more like.

Person A, a cisperson: Posts a bunch of transphobic things.
Person B, a trans person: That’s transphobic.
Person A, a cisperson: No I’m not.
Person B, a transperson: quotes the transphobia.


Lmao. I can’t. None of the things I said were transphobic.

I’m sorry you felt that way.

None of what i said is wrong you can disagree with me but calling me a transphobe is flat out wrong.

Explain how the quotes are not transphobic. I’ll wait.

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Just about everything you’ve said from gender to gorillas in this thread has been wrong.

And yes, factually, lots of the stuff you’ve been arguing are transphobic. No opinion or what not. Might be your opinion on the issue, but that doesn’t change the fact that the points you’ve made are just that.


I have no irrational fear of trans people. So you are very wrong.

That’s not what -phobic means. I posted the definition from Google earlier.

-phobic as a suffix also includes hatred and dislike.

And who has a problem with the thread?

If the things you quoted were supposed to be examples transphobia, they weren’t. They can be insensitive but they are based in fact. At least the ones I read, again, I think your conversation is terrible and I’m not slogging through your issues.

Your personal position in life has no bearing on this conversation, as much as you might think it does.

Biologically a person can not switch genders, this is a fact. Psychologically a person can switch genders. But, Stormgob was also correct in saying that a person can be a feminine male, or a masculine female. This doesn’t change their gender, as masculinity and femininity are a spectrum within the confines of biological gender.

These statements are not transphobic, though they can be a bit insensitive.


Yes, trans woman MtF are not biological woman. They are not woman. They can call themselves woman all they want but factually they are not. That is a fact.

It is not transphobic to say this fact.

Many trans people also agree with me.

I always figure -phobe is the more polite way. I could just go more blunt that you’re a bigot, would that be better, no irrational fears, just the passing of lies to make the lives of innocent people worse, and most likely help drive more people to their death.

None of what I sad had anything to do with hate. So can you stop this childish name calling?

Genders are a social construct and can be changed.

Sex is not gender. Sex is also more than just XX and XY.

Everything you said had to do with hate.

So can you stop the childish attempt at gaslighting?

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