LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I see your English skills are equal to your science skills.


suffix: -phobia
extreme or irrational fear or dislike of a specified thing or group.

Words have meanings.

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You have to be careful in this thread or the biased mods will swoop in and censer anyone with a different opinion.

Yes and I have none of those towards trans people…

You claim this but the anti-trans propoganda you have been spewing all over this thread implies otherwise.

Well you are wrong. Soo.

How am I wrong?

Because I am not a transphobe.

Then we shall use this one

No ! For inclusivity we are not going to reduce anyone to a +

A transphobe is someone who hates or fears trans people. Someone who posts anti-trans propoganda clearly hates or fears trans people or they wouldn’t be posting anti-trans propoganda.

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I have done none of those. Please stop making up stories.

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You can do what ever you want using the available acceptable forms of the acronym all are valid and all are used

What you’re not going to do is dictate to me an LGBTQ+ person who is using a correct form of the acronym what form of the acronym I will use on account of what ever you’re on about mind you when you came in you didn’t even know the full version yourself

Like this is news to you as of now but regardless its fine because several acceptable forms of the acronym get used and exist both written and verbally spoken

That’s because it keeps changing every ten minutes.

Yes, you have done those things. Stop being dishonest.

You wrote this. This is transphobic.

This is transphobic.

This is transphobic.

This is transphobic and enbyphobic.

And here’s a bonus. This is you trying to force your religion on others which is disgusting.


…and now for something totally different…
a person walks into a bar and stops the next person from doing the same.

And I corrected myself when Zandrae pointed out

Like I said you are a hypocrite who wants inclusivity for yourself but aren’t willing to extend it to others and demean them by using a +

Using the + is widely accepted. There’s no problem with it.

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Is there a - anywhere?
Sounds like for anyone feeling left out?
plus or minus, one cant be without the other.

My inner mathematician is so confused right now.

LGBTQI then A.

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